P H Kulkarni

49 books
The first real drug to treat high blood pressure was given to the rest of the world by India's indigenous system of medicine, the Ayurveda wherein roots of the plant Rauwolfia seprentina had been used for various ailment. Present study deals with an investigation on the hypotensive response of Terminalia arjuna. Wright and Arnott, a medicinal plant from the Indian System of Medicine I.e. Ayurveda. Arjuna extract had produced a significant fall of blood pressure ...
This book contgains 21 research papers on Ayurvedic care of Joint disorders.
This book deals with ayurvedic treatment of bronchial asthma.
This book is a collection of 16 learned papers on the ancient Indian medicine Ayurveda, and its approaches to treatment of various ailments...
Study of Ayurveda is eternal. One can try to understand Ayurveda in one’s life. It seems very difficult. Hence it is beneficial to study Ayurveda everyday, every life. In this book ten diseases are considered as described in Ayurvedic Treaties and recent research references are given for benefit of interested persons.Be Ayurveda help every body to be happy!
Study of Ayurveda is eternal. One can try to understand Ayurveda in one’s life. It seems very difficult. Hence it is beneficial to study Ayurveda everyday, every life. In this book salient features about principles of Ayurveda are considered as described in Ayurvedic Treaties and recent research references are given for benefit of interested persons. Be Ayurveda help every body to be happy! Dravyaguna-shastra is very important and integral ...
The present book on Ayurveda for Child Health Care includes Principles of Ayurveda; Embryology; New Born Baby; Health Care of Child; Health Tips; Kalpani (Ayurvedic Medicines); Scope of Kumarbhritya; Food as Medicine; Treatment of Diseases; Appendix; Research References; and Bibliography.
Study of Ayurveda is eternal. One can try to understand Ayurveda in one's life. It seems very difficult. Hence it is beneficial to study Ayurveda everyday, every life. In this book salient features about various minerals, metals are considered as described in Ayurvedic Treaties and recent research references are given for benefit of interested persons. Be Ayurveda help every body to be happy!Rasashastra is a specialized branch of Ayurveda which deals with ...