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The Compact Dictionary of Confusable Words is a valuable and reliable. In this Dictionary presentation of words to be used by the school and college students, teachers, common users, translators and researchers in the field. This dictionary has been compiled and prepared after consulting various dictionaries available in the market. The modern approach to information technology has been taken into account in the presentation of different types of words ...
The compact Dictionary of Idioms is a valuable and reliable. In this Dictionary presentation of words to be used by the school and college students, teachers, common users, translators and researchers in the field. This dictionary has been compiled and prepared after consulting various dictionaries available in the market. The modern approach to information technology has been taken into account in the presentation of different types of words frequently used in ...
Municipal administration can literally be described as administration of a town, city or borough or its local government. Though the concept of city, civic, and local self-government is very old—mentioned in ancient Greek, Roman, Persian, Chinese and Indian annals. In fact, the civilization culminates the civic sense of citizens, as such city being at centre-stage. The size or organisation and settlement pattern may be somewhat different in different settings. ...