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The present volume is a collection of articles by academicians to honour Prof. V. Lakshmana Rao, on his attaining the age of superannuation. The study consists of five sections covering a wide spectrum of issues dealing with economic reforms in the areas of money and banking, industry, agriculture, foreign trade and the social sector which play a crucial role in the future development of the Indian economy. An integrated approach covering all of these sectors in ...
This volume of New Trade Policy and WTO Regime is the outcome of the proceedings of a national seminar organized in the School of economics, Andhra University on 8th October, 2004 to coincide with the centenary year celebrations of Dr. V.S. Krishna, Former Vice chancellor, Andhra University and Chairman, UGC.
Corporate Governance, a phrase that not long ago meant little to all, but a handful of scholars and stakeholders has now taken center-stage across boardrooms around the world. Corporate governance deals with laws, procedures, practices and rules that determine a Company's ability to take managerial decisions vis-Ã -vis its claimants -in particular, its shareholders, creditors, customers, state and employees. The ultimate objective of corporate governance is to ...
Preface. 1. Challenges and Issues Pertaining to corporate governance/Saravana Kumar. 2. Corporate governance in India/R. Vijaya. 3. Corporate governance: challenges and issues/N. Santosh Ranganath and D. Naga Mani. 4. Corporate governance reporting/Kameshwar Rao. 5. Trends in corporate governance/R. Satya Raju. 6. Corporate governance for building global competence/Rajesh Sashittal. 7. Corporate governance: concept and practice (A case study of Infosys Ltd.)/P. ...
Today, Gandhian philosophy is of more relevance and Gandhian values and principles for human development must be actively promoted among the present generation to help them lay the right foundation for a happy tomorrow. In this context Gayatri Vidya Parishad Degree College, Visakhapatnam has established a Center for the Study of Gandhian Philosophy and Human Development, to promote Gandhian principles among the younger generation in India. The Center ...