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Since its publication in 1989 Makan has come to be considered as one of the greatest novels in contemporary Urdu fiction and has determined the trend of Urdu novel by influencing the form and philosophies of novels written thereafter. It is marked as a return of story telling in fiction with absolute renunciation of plot construction. Life and this novel become one and the same: breathing at the same levels of despair and ecstasy written in the background of ...
As a thinker Paigham Afaqui has developed his own way of looking at the world. In Mafia his creative mind has traveled on the very line to which he is professionally attached. But he has surpassed the routine level of crime and wandered into the metaphysical realm of crime: thereby discovering the roots of Mafia which has spread like cancer in a variety of minds. Since its publication in 1989 Paigham Afagui’s novel Makan has come to be considered as one of the ...