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Understanding the interaction between atmospheric variables and biological systems in agriculture, and applying this knowledge to increase food production and improve food quality, are the main goals of agrometeorology. Biological systems in agriculture and comprised of crops and forests, including the soil in which these grow, animals, and associated weeds, pests and diseases. Atmospheric variables that may affect these systems range from physical variables, ...
Global warming refers to climate change that causes an increase in the average temperature of the lower atmosphere. Global warming can have many different causes, but it is most commonly associated with human interference, specifically the release of excessive amounts of greenhouse gases. Uncontrolled economic activity, rapid population growth and urbanization are primarily responsible for environmental damage. Since last few decades, there has been widespread ...
The earth, is concerned with the systematic study of rocks and minerals, in which there is preserved a record of the 0 changes produced by processes that have long been at work on the surface of the earth and deep within it. In seeking information about the earth's origin and place in the solar system, the science of geology obviously impinges on astronomy; in attempting to understand the earth's dynamic evolution, it must make use of physics and ...