Showing all 3 books
The volume is an exhaustive study on the worship and rituals associated with the Hindu goddess Taravidya. It presents the original texts of the Taratantra along with the Roman transliteration of the verses and their English translation. It details aspects of the Tara cult including the forms of Tara, mantras associated with Tara worship, Taradhyanas, Tarakavacham and Taradiksha and gives a detailed account of the methods in which Tara is worshipped. With ...
This book entitled Tantra : Its Relevance to Modern Times which is a record of Tantra's long journey, presents an analytical and exhaustive study of the salient features of Tantra and all the elements of the Tantric cult such as Guru, Sisya, Diksa, Mantra, Yantra, Pratima Puja, Cakra Puja, Pancamakara, Satkarma and Bali. The present work contains the names of Tantra works and their literary value, the names of the Saktapithas and their impact, comparisons of ...