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These days everybody wants to learn computers. Not everyone has the time to go to the training institutes for learning. There are lots of people who prefer to buy the computer and try to learn the computer on their own. Either way you learn the computers from the basics. But, there is no book which can teach you from A to Z of computers. Some of them are those which will give you the text which will go above your head and the others would be very childish. So ...
The present book entitled Yoga and Recreation in all its four chapters discusses in deep about various aspects of yoga as well as recreation. The first chapter is on philosophy, concepts, objectives and principles of yoga. The consecutive chapter is on practical aspects of performing yoga, Bandhas and Mudras. The next chapter is on therapeutically aspects of yoga and its role in curing and preventing various diseases and sexual vitality and extensive sexual ...
The fundamental purpose of the present book entitled Concept of Physical Education is to serve as an introduction to the field of physical education and sports or sport and physical education as it is called within the National Association for Sport and Physical Education, one of the allied professions. The contents of this book is an: Concept of Physical Education, Scope of physical Education, Physiological Aspects of Physical Education, Physical Education ...