Pradeep Chaturvedi

Showing all 9 books
Food security has been an important element in deciding on socio-economic development in the country. The World Food Summit, held in Rome in 1996, identified the need for improving food availability and nutrition in developing as well as the developed countries. The World Food Summit—Five Years Later (WFS-fyl) conference will be organised in Rome in June 2002 to take stock of changing trends and the possibility of attaining goals as identified ...
"Women feed the world" was the theme for the World Food Day, 1998 of the food and agriculture organisation. The theme was selected to pay tribute to women for their significant role in agriculture, fisheries and forestry, and their enormous contribution to household and national food security. Dovetailing the FAO theme with the situation in India, a national level discussion on "Women and food security—Role of Panchayats" was organised. The ...
Bio-Energy resources play an important role in rural area development both in its social development as well as economic development. Use of fuelwood, agro-residues and cow dung have been the main stay for domestic rural energy supply. Intensive efforts in India to exploit different source of energy and upgradation of traditional technologies has resulted promotion of activities in the academic, research institutions and industries. As a result of these efforts ...
Fuelwood and the agro residues have been important inputs for the rural energy supply for over 75% of the population in India and other countries of South Asia. Fuelwood has been meeting up to 93% of the total demand in some of the countries, through in India it meets only 37% of the demand. The ratio between fuelwood, originating from forests and non-forest land is generally not known precisely but certain studies have indicated that about one-third of the ...
This book is a comprehensive presentation on future directions in engineering and technical education, as also present status of technologies and corporate responsibilities. It is divided into two parts. The first part, containing papers presented by the author at different platforms, addresses various issues concerning challenges of mechanical engineering molecular, nanotechnology, e-manufacturing, quality management, role of metal based industry in development, ...
The papers in this volume presented by the author on different occasions in the capacity Chairman of the Delhi State Centre, the Institution of Engineers (India), address various issues concerning energy, environment and sustainable development. Discussing the application of energy and environment to corporate and social sector, the author looks into the issues of sustainable energy supply, power distribution through private companies, impact of energy efficiency ...
Occupational Safety and health is centre stage in this globalised competitive economy. Safety considerations have often been the decisive factors in closely contested market opportunities. Safety, as such, has been important both in relation to natural hazards and the manmade activity generated hazards. Realising importance of safety, the Institution of Engineers (India) has set up the Safety and Quality Forum. The main objective of the Forum is to focus ...
The national priority is to provide access to energy services to the poor people in India. This calls for a focus on efficient use of traditional biomass and new renewables. The second challenge for the energy sector is consolidation of the reforms process and transferring benefits to the users in the shortest time. Adverse impact on environment due to use of energy sources is the third major challenge needing solution for industry, agriculture and domestic ...
Safety Convention 2006 was an excellent opportunity to discuss critical and important issues relating to Occupational Safety, Health and Environment and Sustainable Economic development. Larger number of participants turned out for this event and interact on emerging issues and experiences of different agencies. The Convention emphasised on dealing with new issues of terrorism, infrastructure development and social development and related safety issues. These ...