Prem Nath

Showing all 12 books
We all are indebted to nature for providing us food and its resources for our subsistence and survival.
In the food domain, cereal and legume grains occupy the front line, whereas, horticultural crops have occupied the second line of defense. For healthy diet cereals and legumes provide us with carbohydrates and protein, whereas, fruits and vegetables provide us minerals and vitamins. Both macro- and micro- nutrients are essential for human growth and ...
In this book we are discussing of efficient and smart technology developed through advanced agricultural sciences for the benefit of farmers who can produce quality food in abundance. In order to harness the potentials and refinement of agricultural sciences and to develop useful technology certain essential ingredients are must which embrace the area of education, research and technology development, application of technology, developmental steps in production ...
The present volume II concentrates on Food with relevance to Agriculture and Humanity. This publication contains nine chapters, viz., namely, Introduction, Food Perception, Food Commonly Known, Food Sources, Food and Health, Food and Nutrition Policy, Regional and International Programmes on Food and Nutrition Security, Challenges and Opportunities in Food Sector.
This Volume contains 28 articles, by well known national and international authors, covering ' ...
The volume presents the contemporary scenario vis-à-vis food, agriculture and human development. Referring to food and agriculture policies and development and improved agricultural opportunities, the 38 articles in the volume discuss how food cannot be separated from issues of agriculture and human well-being. They deal with the right to food, enhancing livelihoods through increased production and consumption of nutritious food and lank between ...
Two bored young men on a rainy evening shoot at Maya’s lamps one by one even as her neighbours upstairs spray paint ‘It’s All Your Fault’ on a giant hoarding and take the entire city on a collective guilt trip. In ‘TV is Good’ an angry television comes looking for revenge against its couch-potato master who dared turn it off. And in ‘An Office Story’ a pernicious office memo takes on a life of its own, growing into ...
The number of people without enough food to eat on a regular basis remains stubbornly high, touching one billion at the global level. The worst affected of poverty and hungers are women and children, with far reaching implications for quality of human resources. Poverty, the inability to attain a `minimum' level of well being is the most fundamental to economic and social problem facing humanity. The UN endorsement of Millennium Development Goal to have the ...
This book will appeal to those interested in religion, mythology, art, iconography and to all those who wish to learn about Hindu Gods and Goddesses. Goddess Durga, with thousands of names after her different manifestations, attributes, appellations is the primordial, most knowledgeable, the utmost graceful, Maha Sakti, the one comparable to the sky, is the most wise female divinity in the Universe. The descent of Durga aims at the destruction of the demons ...
This book will be of interest to all those who seek true scriptural facts, to theosophists, scholars and artists. Goddess Saraswati, related to Savitar (Sun) is one the trinity the other being Gayatri and Savitri or the Bag (Vak) Devi of the Vedas. Saraswati is the Goddess of learning, intelligence, wisdom, speech and is the consort of Brahma, the creator of the universe. Tracing the heavenly origin of this Goddess, as a Vedic river Goddess, Puranic ...
This book describes traditional sacraments, fasts, festivals and fairs to enable readers to aim at utilizing the rare opportunity to rise to the level of the divine. The scriptures throw light on the philosophical texts and the performance of Samskaras. The scriptures contain the details of man's religious duties, the rites and rituals he should perform, customs, traditions and all other details help him to keep his mind pure and enable him to do good only ...