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This volume brings together contributions by distinguished scholars and analysts presenting a comprehensive and multi-dimensional analysis of globalisation and its impact on Indian economy, polity, and society. The study brings out clearly the unprecedented economic and technological changes unfolding in the wake of globalisation and stresses the need for coping with the new challenges and opportunities in a holistic and long-term frameworks. The book discusses ...
In recent times environmental issues have emerged as one of the major concerns that beset humanity and especially the coming generations. Till only a few years ago environment was regarded in the literature on international relations as the stable backdrop which enabled state actors to enact their drama of conflict and cooperation. However the colossal environmental degradation that took place as a result of industrial style economic production and consumption as ...
National security is no longer a matter of successful protection of the territorial integrity and political independence of the state against threats emanating from the external milieu. Most developing nations with pluralistic societies are facing challenges in maintaining their unity and cohesion on their way to achieve development and the desired identity of nationhood. In the process it is found that most of the threats to their security originate from within ...
The nineteen papers in this volume, presented at two seminars held in Jadavpur University, Kolkata, examine the relationship between the state, on the one hand, and nationalism and democracy, on the other, in the light of globalization. They deliberate on ethnic resurgence, religious revival, tensions between the forces of nationalism and supranational integration, persistent refusal of certain states to fall in line with the 'third wave' of democracy, and ...