Showing all 4 books
This anthology has been compiled with the papers received at the time of seminar on "Man and the Environment". There are altogether 27 research papers which represent different segments of environment. Papers are contributed by geographers, agronomists, horticulturists besides the scientists of several disciplines. Environmental planning involves the systematic and sustainable use of the environment for the benefit of mankind. Currently the over ...
The theoretical aspects of rural settlement geography have been regimented for the study of Indian villages which have passed through the change of environmental scenario. Its rural population of over 600 million witness thousands of rural settlements washed away in the furry of floods and bear the agonies of drought and breakout of fire annually. The inhabitants display a remarkable resilience in the process of settlement and resettlement characterised by great ...
This compendium of 45 papers in two volumes, in honour of Prof. L.N. Ram, formerly Vice-Chancellor of Patna University, addresses a wide range of issues concerning urban and regional development in India. Analysing local and regional patterns and processes of urbanisation, it examines the problems that the cities are facing due to their rapid growth. The contributors also address the issues pertaining urban structure and landuse change, sustainable agricultural ...