R B Singh

Showing all 16 books
Unprecedented loss and changes in biodiversity are taking place at the genetic, species and ecosystem levels, in both terrestrial and marine groups of organisms. One of the major concerns of biodiversity loss is the reduction in the capacity of natural and managed ecosystems to render quality ecological services, such as production of food and fibre, carbon storage, nutrient cycling and resistance to climate and other environmental changes. The extraction of ...
This book is intended chiefly as a text for introductory course in mechanics for undergraduate students of physics. It is designed to provide a basic sketch of some fundamental concepts of mechanics, which forms one of the most fascinating branch of physics. The book explains critically the basic laws of mechanics and the methods to apply them to a wide range of complex problems. The material of the text, which developed out of a course given to the first year ...
Rural people from the developing countries derive a substantial portion of their income and products for their basic health care needs from medicinal plants gathered from the nature. Medicinal Plants based drug industries and enterprises which run into thousands, presently source more than 85 percent of their raw materials from the wild. In this era of the globalization of economy and knowledge systems, the fate of the medicinal plants is being determined as ...
Sustainable development emphasizes on change in order to improve ecological, economic and social conditions of all people, all the times, and at all places. The Brundtland report perceived development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable development recognizes the value of the natural system that supports life on earth. An increasing number of environmental researches are ...
It is some what surprising that there has been little interest among the social scientists till now in exploring the actual operation of the various Government Schemes for the upliftment of Scheduled Castes and finding out how the Scheduled Caste people themselves viewed these schemes. Our preliminary observations in the localities of Scheduled Castes in villages and towns in Punjab made us aware of the vast differences between the cold statistics of what the ...
Urban induced climate change has become the key global issue in the recent years. Urban land use and cover changes are the main driving force of such changes. This is a complex and difficult task, mainly due to the scarcity of observations and tedious computational requirements. The recognition in the 1990s that air pollution is a key global key issue as well as the lack of data available to investigate fundamental processes occurring in the troposphere led the ...
Disaster management is a multidisciplinary area, covering a wide rang of issues such as monitoring, forecasting, evacuation, search and rescue, relief, reconstruction and rehabilitation. It also requires multi-sectoral governance as a scientists, planners, volunteers and communities all have important roles to play. These role and activities span the pre, during and post-disaster phases. Besides, shift of emphasis from disaster response to risk reduction has ...
Rapid urbanization and industrialization accompanied by major changes in social, economic, environmental and technological arena are impacting adversely on traditional land-use, water resources, environmental quality and management practices in cities of developing countries in general and the Indian cities in particular. The emerging concept of sustainable urban development is closely connected with environment and economy to safeguard natural resources, which ...
This book chronicles and highlights the major developments in the evolution of mathematics into the subject we know today. Mathematics is as old as civilization itself, and its history is as fascinating as its study and pursuit, and is primarily an investigation into the origin of discoveries in mathematics. The book makes a conscientious effort to present the history of mathematics in as interesting a manner as possible, traversing through civilizations ...
The present volume aims at focusing on biogeographic dimensions, biodiversity conservation and sustainable use economic development. A holistic perspective of biodiversity conservation includes biogeo monitoring and indicators, climate change, tourism, invasive and alien species. Special attention has been given on mountain, coastal and marine biodiversity, ecodevelopment in protected areas, local knowledge, technology transfer, education and public awareness. ...