This book, to be called in strict, is a practival manual, to cater to the need of Veterinary community. This manual is based on the revised and current VCI syllabus meeting the norms of MSVE Guidelines 2008. This particular volume of the series covers the course, Veterinary Ansrology & Reproductive Techniques, VGO-511. The revised guidelines were enforced recently, and ever since, the old laboratory manuals which were available by the respective colleges ...
This book, to be called in strict sense, is a practical manual, to cater to the needs of Veterinary community. This manual is based on the revised and current VCI syllabus meeting the norms of MSVE Guidelines 2008. This particular volume of the series covers the course, Veterinary Gynaecology, VGO-411. The revised guidelines were enforced recently, and ever since, the old laboratory manuals which were available by the respective colleges became outdated. Hence, ...
The Present work, a result of extensive research done by the authors and other research workers and recognizes the need for management and prevention of pre and post partum "Reproductive Disorders of Livestock". This compendium consists of lectures delivered by the experts during the ICAR sponsored winter school conducted by the Department of Animal Reproduction, Gynecology and Obstetrics, veterinary College, KVAFSU, Nandinagar, Bidar 585401freom ...