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This short text includes various anthelmintics and antimycotics. Chemistry and pharmacology of each of these have been described in an elegant manner. The uses of these in veterinary science have also been summarised. This short text is useful for chemistry, pharmacology, medicinal and veterinary students.
This dictionary has been compiled and edited to include various important medicinal plants which have been arranged in an alphabetical order. Each plant has been described in a brief manner in a simple language. This dictionary is especially useful for biology, botany, zoology, medicine, pharmacy and environmental science students.
This encyclopaedic dictioinary in three volumes has been compiled especially for under graduate and post graduate students of Botany, Agriculture, Horticulture, Ecology, genetics, organic evolution, microbiology and Environmental science. This dictionary is a veritable mine of information. All the entries are judiciously selected and elaborately dealt with. This dictionary also includes many terms which have been borrowed for more general usage. The entries in ...
This dictionary is probably the first of its kind. It will be welcomed by all those who are working in this burgeoning field. This dictionary includes 1500 terms found in textbooks and research journals with plant tissue culture. Every term included in this dictionary has been explained in simple language and lucid style. This dictionary is intended for the use of students at both undergraduate and post graduate levels, as well as those involved in commercial ...
Besides defining terms and phrases with specialised meanings for agriculture and related terms (such as food programs, conservation, forestry and environmental protection), this encyclopaedia also identifies acronyms, agencies, programs and laws related to agriculture. This encyclopaedia also provides a sampling of the rapidly proliferating number of agricultural resources. This encyclopaedia serves well as a practical, easy-to-use guide to the terminology ...
This dictionary serves well as a practical easy-to-use guide to the terminology of breeds of animals, varieties of crop plants, diseases, soils, fertilizers and agricultural methods (e.g., irrigation). This dictionary also includes copious illustrations. This dictionary is recommended for libraries serving an agricultural community or academic programs in agriculture. This dictionary is everything one looks for a concise, easy to use, highly readable, inexpensive ...