R.K. Gupta

53 books
It is said that Prophet Muhammad was given two kinds of knowledge. One, that was given to him in the form of the Ayats (verses) and was collected in the form of the Holy Qur'an and the second in the form of esoteric knowldge, which was transmitted from heart-to-heart to his companions and the Sufis. This esoteric knowledge formed the basis of various Sufi Orders. There are about 41 known Sufi Orders, the Naqshbandi, Chishti, Suhuravardi and Qadri Orders being the ...
A work written originally in Urdu by Ram Chandra (Lalaji) Maharaj, the book is a treatise on the chakra vidya or the science of spiritual chakras or subtle centres. This volume presents an English translation of the work which was published in Hindi in 2009 based on his original handwritten manuscripts. The work deals with various aspects of spiritual life, offering a synthesis of Hindu philosophy and Sufi thought. It gives a glimpse of the contribution of the ...
This book presents a collection of essays. Among other things: (1) it tries to determine the nature of a social action and that of violent and non-violent actions; (2) it examines the claim of satyagraha as a non-violent method of action; (3) it deals with various violent and non-violent actions; and (4) it argues in favour of there being animal rights, and brings to light the view of Gandhi about the place of animals in his scheme of sarvodaya which is in ...
From the preface: Biodiversity and its conservation strategies are the apex concern of scientists in recent decades. Thus, Botanical Survey of India has initiated to prepare the inventory of Indian algae at national level. Volumes 1 and 2 in this series has been published in 2012. The present book “Algae of India: a checklist, volume-3, deals with 212 taxa belonging to 46 genera, 19 families of Chlorophyta, 6 taxa belonging to 1 genus, 1 family of ...
Contents: Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. Consultation as a Democratic practice. 3. Institutionalized Democracy. 4. Democracy through committees. 5. Evaluation of Democracy in business. 6. Democracy and market segmentation. 7. Democracy in pricing decision. 8. Democracy in management decisions. 9. Democracy in fixing marketing risks. 10. Democracy through government. 11. Democracy through industrial policy. 12. Democracy through tariff commission. 13. Democracy ...
Volutionism, the lost language of the inner self, transports you to the strange and yet surprisingly familiar world of geometry, colour and symmetry.
Volutionists espouse that all processes contain cyclic patterns that are subject to variation and change. Evolution and devolution, creation and destruction and formation and deformation, all mark the course of material substance through time and space. The result is an ever evolving universe, full of wondrous shape ...
This compendium of 25 papers attempts to explore the possibilities of development of tourism and hospitality industry in India. Integrating geological concerns over tourism development, it addresses issues concerning eco-friendliness of cultural fairs, rural tourism, innovative approaches for sustainable tourism development, and green tourism.
Taking a close look at the promotional strategies in tourism, it analyses the role of green tourism in sustainable ...
In Micro level development social work groups play a very crucial role. India is now having variety of group practices in social reform sector and transforming rural India day to day. This textbook goes beyond describing these appraches as they relate to various contexts of social work practice. A wealth of case scenarios, discussion questions, and role-play exercises make this an engaging, thought-provoking teaching and learning tool.
Personality Development and Presentation skills is designed to serve as a textbook that address the requirements of students of any discipline who on the threshold of starting their careers of young managers who are already working in the corporate word. The book aims to provide crucial insights in to various directions of developing oneA?A?s personality, as well as to improve written, verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Special attention has been paid to ...
Mass media serve some important functions. They are helpful in reaching large number of people. They are helpful in the spread of compulsory education and adult literacy. Recently their use is being made increasingly in distance education. They are useful in making instruction more effective and meaningful.
Saints and Mahatmas are the ;beloveds' of God; they are His true children and reflect different shades of His Mercy. The Mahamantra 'The Will Be Done' forms the very core of their existence. They are the flowers of God's garden, who bloom and spread their fragrance to bring peace, contentment and happiness in the lives of people without discrimination of caste, creed or status. The present book 'Saints and Mahatmas of India' gives a glimpse of the lives of some ...
India is a veritable emporium of medicinal and aromatic plants growing up to 75 percent of the vegetable drugs mentioned in the pharmacopoeias of different countries. In addition to the medicinal herbs, aromatic and essential oil-bearing plants constitute an important group of Indian flora and a large number of them are used in the indigenous systems of medicine including some traditional drugs used by the rural population and the tribals. This book gives a ...