Showing all 4 books
This book emphasis on diseaes of important plantation crop like arecanut, coconut, cocoa, tea, coffee, rubber and spices. The occurrence, distribution, economic impact, biology and pathology of causal agents, diagnosis, hostpathogen-environment interactions and integrated disease management strategies are covered. This book would serve as valuable resource for plant pathologists, horticulturists, nursery managers, teachers, students, exporters, importers, ...
The present volume gives a modest overview of the significant developments in plant pathology during the last one hundred years in our country. Renowned experts have made contributors in their respective fields. The first chapter (Prologue) highlights the status of plant pathology in India before 1905 and sets the stage for an overview of the developments made thereafter. Chapters on significant achievements and current status of knowledge has been contributed by ...
In this volume the aim has been to cover issues related to variability, detection, breeding for resistance, eco-friendly management of diseases, regulatory, aspects and policy issues related to mycotoxins and pest risk analysis, and so also topics covering status of some economically important diseases, on the uses of ergots, etc. Having performed this exhaustive and uphill task the editors realized that the forth coming ARPP volume should include articles on ...