R K Rajput

52 books
A textbook for students of B.E. /B.TECH ./B..ARCH., A.M.I.E ., U.P.S.C (Engineering Services ) & other engineering examinations.
This book has been written specially to meet the exhaustive requirements of the subject "Manufacturing Processes" of B.E. 1st year Examination of "U.P. Technical University, U.P."Salient Features:The presentation of the subject matter is very systematic and the language of text is lucid, direct and easy to understand. The book provides a comprehensive treatment of the subject matter under wide range of topics mentioned in the syllabus of the ...
This book has been written specially to meet the exhaustive requirements of the subject Basics of Mechanical Engineering of B.E. 1st year Examination of MDU, Haryana.Salient features:The presentation of the subject matter is very systematic and the language of text is lucid, direct and easy to understand. The book provides a comprehensive treatment of the subject matter under wide range of topics mentioned in the syllabus of the above mentioned university, ...
Contents:Part A: Thermodynamics: 1.Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics 2.First Law of Thermodynamics 3.Second Law of Thermodynamics and Entropy 4.Ideal and Real Gases5.Properties of Steam 6.Gas Power Cycles 7.Internal Combustion Engines Part B: Strength of Materials 8.Simple Stresses and Strains 9.Principal Stresses and Strains 10.Bending Stresses 11.Torsion of Circular Shafts, Question Papers-With "Solutions".
Contents:1. Carpentry Shop 2. Fitting Shop 3. Welding Shop 4. Sheet Metal Shop Additional Objective Type Questions.
This book on "Applied Thermodynamics" has been written for the students preparing the subject for B.E. examinations of various Indian Universities, A.M.I.E. and competitive examinations. The book contains 11 chapters in all, and deals the subject matter exhaustively.Salient Features:The presentation of the subject matter is very systematic and the language of the text is lucid, direct and easy to understand. Each chapter of book is saturated with much ...
Contents:Introduction; 1. Carpentry and Pattern Making Shop; 2. Foundry Shop; 3. Forging Practice; 4. Machine Shop; 5. Welding Shop; 6. Electrical and Electronic Shop; 7. Sheet Metal Shop; 8. Bench Work and Fitting Shop; Additional Objective Type Questions.
This book has been written specifically to meet exhaustively the requirements of the syllabus of the subject Mechanical Engineering for B.E. first year examination of U.P. Technical University, Lucknow. Part A (Thermodynamics) consists of Unit I, Unit II and contains six chapters. Part B (Mechanics and Strength of Materials) consists of Unit III, Unit IV, Unit V and contains eight chapters.Salient Features:The presentation of the subject matter is very systematic ...
Contents:1. Introduction; 2. Properties of Metals; 3. Ferrous Metals and Alloys; 4. Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys; 5. Carpentry Shop; 6. Bench Work and Fitting Shop; 7. Welding Shop; 8. Sheet Metal Shop; Additional Objective Type Questions.
Contents:Syllabus; Introduction 1. Carpentry Shop 2. Fitting Shop 3. Welding Shop 4. Sheet Metal Shop, Additional Objective Type Questions.
This book has been written specially to meet the exhaustive requirements of the subject "Elements of Mechanical Engineering" of B.E. 1st year Examination of K.U., Kurukshetra and M.D.U., Rohtak and other Courses of B.E., B.Tech., B.Sc. (Engg.), U.P.S.C., A.M.I.E.Salient Features:The presentation of the subject matter is very systematic and the language of text is in a lucid, direct and easy to understand manner. The book provides a comprehensive ...
This book has been written specially to meet the exhaustive requirements of the subject "Elements of Mechanical Engineering" of B.E. 1st year Examination of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar and other Courses of B.E., B. Tech. B.Sc. (Engg.), U.P.S.C., A.M.I.E.Salient Features :The presentation of the subject matter is very systematic and the language of text is in a lucid, direct and easy to understand manner. The book provides a comprehensive ...
This book on Automobile Engineering has been written for the students preparing for B.E./B.Tech., A.M.I.E. (Section B), Diploma and Competitive examinations. It consists of Twelve chapters in all, covering the various topics systematically and exhaustively; and an "Additional Objective Type Questions' Bank" at the end.Salient Features:The presentation of the subject matter is very systematic and the language of the text is lucid, direct and easy to ...