R M Johri

Showing all 14 books
The present book provides a balanced, up-to-date and simplified study of gymnosperm to the students of botany at the undergraduate and postgraduate level of several Indian universities. Attempts has been made to include the recent work conducted by scientists in the field, but owing to limited space much detail have not been mentioned.
The Pteridophytes are the spore-bearing plants and are distinguished from the other cryptogams by the possession of the vascular tissues xylem and phloem. They are commonly called Vascular Cryptogams. This book includes various types of Pteridophytes prescribed in the syllabi of several Universities. Many standard books and journals have been drawn upon for the diagrams and all the life histories are profusely illustrated and supplemented with the latest ...
The present publication is being prepared by keeping in view the requirements of B.Sc. and M.Sc. students of several universities. The text of the book is clear and simple which is easily followed by the students and explained through well labeled diagrams.
Since early human civilization the basic needs of human beings were food, shelter and clothing. As the world progressed some other' economic uses came into existence. The present book Economic Importance of Plants of two volumes. Vol. I (Food and Sacred Plants) and Vol. II (Industrial and Drug Plants). This book is especially written for undergraduate and Post-graduate students of all Indian and Foreign Universities this will also be helpful for students ...
The Pteridophytes are the spore-bearing plants and are distinguished from the other cryptogams by the possession of the vascular tissues – xylem and phloem. They are commonly called "Vascular Cryptogams." The present publication includes various types of Pteridophytes prescribed in the syllabi of several Indian Universities. Many standard books and journals have been drawn upon for the diagrams and all the life histories are profusely illustrated and ...
The present publication is intended for the B.Sc. and M.Sc. students of the several Indian Universities. It includes various types of Algae prescribed in the syllabi. All the life histories are profusely illustrated and supplemented with the latest information on the subject. Many standard books and journals have been consulted for the diagrams. The method of presentation is very clear and lucid keeping in view the standard of the students for whom it is meant ...
The present publication includes various types of Bryophytes prescribed for the B.Sc. and M.Sc. courses of Universities. Arrangement of chapters and topics is as such that it is easily followed by the students. The text matter is clear and simple, which is explained through various diagrams. It is hoped that the publication is useful not only to the students but also to the academic professional.
Microbiology comparatively is a new branch of science which began with the invention of microscope. The present book has been written to meet the specific needs of students of undergraduate and postgraduate classes studying in the colleges and universities of India and abroad. The branch microbiology remained for a long time a discipline almost completely isolated from the rest of biology. Its scope has enlarged tremendously during the last 30 years or so. The ...
The present publication is being prepared by keeping in view the requirements of B.Sc. and M.Sc. students of several Indian Universities. The text of the book is clear and simple which is easily followed by the students and explained through well labeled diagrams.
The present book is attempt to provide a balanced, up-to-date and simplified study of Gymnosperm to the students of botany at the undergraduate and postgraduate level of several Indian Univesities. The publication covers Introduction; Classification of Gymnosperms; Cycadopsida (Cycadophyta); Bennettitales (Cycadeoideales); Pentoxylales; ginkgoales; Coniferophyta and Coniferales; Cordaitales; Gnetopsida (gnetophyta); Embryogeny; Origin and Hetrospory;Gymnosperms ...
Taxonomy has among its objectives the learning of the kinds of plants on the earth and their names, of their distributions and their affinities, their distinctions and habitat characteristics and correlation of these facts of knowledge with pertinent scientific data contributed by researchers of related fields. Another objective of taxonomy is the assemblage of knowledge gained. The mere acquisition of the knowledge is sterile unless it is made available to ...
Taxonomy has among its objectives the learning of the kinds of plants on the earth and their names, of their distinctions and their affinities, their distributions and habitat characteristics and correlation of these facts of knowledge with pertinent scientific data contributed by researchers of related fields. Another objective of taxonomy is the assemblage of knowledge gained. The mere acquisition of the knowledge is sterile unless it is made available to ...
Taxonomy has among its objectives the learning of the kinds of plants on the earth and their names, of their distinctions and their affinities, their distributions and habitat characteristics and correlation of these facts of knowledge with pertinent scientific data contributed by researchers of related fields. Another objective of taxonomy is the assemblage of knowledge gained. The mere acquisition of the knowledge is sterile unless it is made available to ...
Taxonomy has among its objectives the learning of the kinds of plants on the earth and their names, of their distinctions and their affinities, their distributions and habitat characteristics and correlation of these facts of knowledge with pertinent scientific data contributed by researchers of related fields. Another objective of taxonomy is the assemblage of knowledge gained. The mere acquisition of the knowledge is sterile unless it is made available to ...