R N Prasad
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The Indian prime minister has recently visited three small but strategically significant Indian neighbores. The power equations in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) have implications not only for the littoral states but for the entire Asia-Pacific region. Through the Indian Ocean run some of the busiest sea lanes globally, as oil and natural resources traverse from west to east to feed the burgeoning needs of the world's second largest economy. China, and the country ...
The human rights concern the human beings. Human rights are essential for the dignified human existence and adequate development of human personality without which to live as human beings become difficult and impossible. Human rights are of two types viz. right to have basic human needs like food, clothing, shelter and medical care and rights like education, freedom of culture, speech, expression and movement. Right to development is also significant ...
Governance is purposive and development oriented administration, which concerns the improvement of quality of life of the mass people. Governance is also considered the citizen-friendly, citizen-caring, responsive, goal and result—oriented administration. It requires effective participation of people in state, civil society and private sector activities that are conducive to human development. The book, containing thirteen published articles, ...
Modernisation/development is a process of societal transformation from a traditional society to a modern society, emphasising the elimination of poverty, unemployment, social and economic inequality. Modernisation on capitalist lines, which the country has pursued, has led to the growth of unknown phenomena in Mizo society like stratification—the rich and the poor—, alienation by well-off natives, absentee landlordism, intermediary rights, money lending, ...
Justice is dynamic/ changing. It requires a just state of affairs. In alignes with morality and proper distribution of favours and losses. This is possible by a democratic social order. This book deals with two systems of justice viz., custom based justice and modern legal justice based on the rule of law, operating side by side, which create mess/hutch-putch. The custom based justice is uncodified. The modern legal as per the justice rules of 1937 framed by the ...
No Urban Local self-governments are functioning in the notified towns/cities of Mizoram, meghalaya, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh till date. So the urbanites of these states have no participation in the decision-making and implementing processes, though the urbanization in these states is at a faster rate creating urban human problems of complicated nature and the state Governments have not yet implemented the provisions of the Constitution (Seventy-Fourth ...
The volume highlights a number of responsible factors, making a conventional Public Administration fail in delivering goods and services efficiently, effectively and economically. It discusses various reasons for the emergence of the New Public Management (NPM), an alternative model of the centralized governance which emphasizes less, better, efficient, effective, responsive accountable governance, downsizing of bureaucracy and reorganization of Government. The ...