“The Tribes and Castes of Northeast India” is a collection of papers presented in a National Seminar on the Tribes and Castes of North –east India, organized jointly by Sanskriti (North Eastern Institute of Culture and Religion) Guwahati, Anthropological Survey of India, Kolkata, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Shillong, Archdiocese of Guwahati, Oisho Bani Soceity, Agartala and Biocese of Agartala. The Seminar was held at North ...
Development is a wide and complex subject that is being continually debated both in government and non-government circles, in the bureaucratic as well as academic world. To many, it means the provision of basic economic services, while to others it is nothing but social progress. For some others, it means liberation from poverty and exploitation, and for others, the integration stream. Now, this development paradigm has not taken on an even path among all the ...