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The advent of optical communication as a primary source of information exchange is one of the biggest events of recent years. As the growth of internet users are extending exponentially the bandwidth requirement and data speed are forcing the optical technology to make amazing advances. In that amplification of the signal in optical domain could not make pace with eh requirements as electro optic and all optical integration require the compact devices on the ...
The book is an outcome of a series of three lectures delivered by Professor R.P. Misra in November 1996, at the ICSSR North Eastern Regional Centre, Shillong. It tries to understand, urbanization in contemporary India not only in the global context of industrial revolution but also in the context of historical development of undivided India, which developed the first planned urban centres of the world, famous the world over as Harappa and Mohenjo-daro. The book ...
The book examines the changing agricultural scenario and its impact on the food and nutritional situation during last fifty years in India and Madhya Pradesh excluding Chhattisgarh. It presents an analysis of changing agricultural land-use pattern, expansion and intensification in agriculture, agricultural development and increasing use of inputs, trends in food production, food availability and consumption and nutritional analysis in Madhya Predesh. The level of ...
This book takes a fresh look at Hind Swaraj, authored by Mahatma Gandhi in 1908, in the backdrop of the emerging problems of violence, moral decay, poverty, social disintegration and environmental degradation. Giving the essence of Hind Swaraj, it discusses factors and forces, which influenced Gandhi and prompted him to write the book. It also review the comments made on Hind Swaraj and its message to humanity. Finally, it discusses the agenda for action to ...