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Over-exploitation of natural resources resulting in their severe degradation, diminishing water resources, declining forest cover, depleting energy sources, loss of biodiversity and generation of various kinds of wastes are the issues to be addressed on priority in India. About 45% of total geographical area of the country is degraded due to various processes of land degradation with water erosion affecting maximum area of 93.7 m ha. Land degradation causes 5% to ...
Biology, the science of life, is concerned with the characteristics and behaviour of organism, how species and individuals came into existence, and the interactions they have with each other and in their environment. It encompasses a broad spectrum of academic fields that are often viewed as independent disciplines. Teaching of biology aims to give students such knowledge and values as lead to respect for all living things; enable them to understand the ...
The 21st century has been a century of information technology which created revolutions in the field of mass media and journalism. Recent advances in information technology have brought in revolutionary changes in the field of journalism and media. Its access and scope have widened to nook and corners of the world. The present book presented the advance face of journalism and media. In modern time the journalism and media globally plays an important role in every ...
This is the age of information affluence. Technology, with its capacity for storing, simplifying and communicating information with astonishing speed has, more than ever, put information at the center o development. Information is a global resource of unlimited potential for all. Importantly, information belongs not to the state, the government of the day or civil servants, but to the public. Officials do not create information for their own benefit alone, but ...
The social sciences, in studying subjective, inter-subjective and objective or structural aspects of society, were traditionally referred to as soft sciences. This is in contrast to hard sciences, such as the natural science, which may focus exclusively on objective aspects of nature. Nowadays, however, the distinction between the so-called soft and hard sciences in blurred. Some social science subfields have become very quantitative in methodology or behavioral ...