R. Raman Nair

Showing all 11 books
Staffing Agricultural Information systems focusses on the manpower strategies required for exploiting our agricultural knowledge resources. Public investment in agriculturl research runs into millions of rupees. Optimum utilization of the knowledge so generated, necessitates quick access to and speedy dissemication of the information generated by by research . The efficiency of more than 30,000 scientists working in thousands of institutions in our country's ...
Internet is becoming the mechanism for distribution of three fourth of the specialized books and journals as well as research information. Immediate access to the research work of scientists and a virtual library of millions of documents afford students, teachers and researchers the ability to use huge amount of knowledge hitherto unthinkable. Now any one can make an endless thematic tour through information on libraries around the world. Internet provides ...
Internet for Library and Information Services is an introductory manual for the librarians and academicians who wish to tap the benefits of internet for providing information services or for retrieving documents and information required for research, teaching, learning or leisure. It leaves aside the technical aspects to the computer and communication technology expert and the digital library managers. Internet has become another alternative for library and ...
This book is a comprehensive evaluation of the people's library movement. The study examines the origins of the movement, its evolution, achievements, failures and lessons that other movements should learn from its experiences. People's library movement of Kerala can enlighten other voluntary movements on how to encourage the common people to become active participants in development. People's Library Movement will be of interest to development activists, ...
Sustainable University Library Development presents studies on various aspects of the university library system with stress to development with a concern for the technology and needs of future generations. Universities play a crucial role in the generation and application of new knowledge. They produce the trained work force required for industry, agriculture, health, administration, services and other sectors. Along with the intelligentsia in natured by them ...
Academic Library Automation Presents current developments and experiences in the application of information technology in libraries of universities, college and other research institutions Quality of teaching and learning in higher education, and avoiding waste of resources through duplication of research work presupposes and timely accessibility to relevant up-to-date information. But this has become difficult due to information, complexities in its use pattern ...
Information resource is going to play a key role in social, cultural and political progress as well as in productive and sustainable economic development. The ease and speed, with which new knowledge is produced, organized, packed, retrieved and disseminated through IT based systems and applied together with old knowledge our traditional libraries store, will be the strategic determinant in whether the country, state, a region, an institution or individual ...
Internet has made profound effects on the way in which we acquire, organize and disseminate information due to the astounding increase in the amount of information available online and the diversity of information management tools put at our disposal. The focus of information management has shifted from acquiring to facilitating access and libraries are becoming digital of virtual and the central hub of live information infrastructures. Thousands of online ...