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The concern for human rights and fundamental freedoms has assumed a global dimension and is of vital significance to the world community. Human rights intrinsically and pervasively impact the quality and fulfillment of life of societies in all nations and ensure the prevalence of freedom, justice, peace and order in the world. The United Nations, has launched a world public information campaign for human rights knowledge and awareness of human rights. A massive ...
The Victorian Age was culturally, intellectually and scientifically perhaps the most prolific period of history. It contained the seeds of modernity. It may be appropriate to say that what we find now in the ‘modern age’, is the outgrowth of the scientific spirit of enquiry and creed of rationalism of the Mid-Victorian era. The bewildering scientific discoveries that brought about the Industrial Revolution, changed the thinking, outlook, attitude, temper and ...
The fact that democracy, development and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms are interdependent and mutually reinforcing has been proclaimed numerous times by various international bodies. However, many countries continue to deny fundamental human rights on the grounds that these rights are incompatible with the right to adequate economic and social development. To attain sustainable development, countries should eliminate all obstacles to ...
The rights of women are an integral part of human rights, which are valid for all human beings in all times and all places. Women's equal dignity and human rights as full human beings are enshrined in the basic instruments of today's international community. There can be no peace, security or sustainable economic development in societies which deny human rights, including the human rights of women. Therefore international agencies, governments, regional ...