R S Reddy

Subtotal: $35.10
34 books
Recent Trends in Non-Formal Education is a timely publication consisting of thought-provoking articles on currently much sought-after mode of education. The information is derived from various authentic sources and it presented in a logical and coherent manner. It is hoped, students and teachers besides the researchers and policy planners in the field will find this book much informative and useful.
Primary Education, which is recognized as a basic right of every child in many countries of the world, is most important stage where the destiny of a nation is shaped in true sense. Despite best efforts a large number of children are still deprived of basic primary education. A midst the plenty of literature on the theme; we have designed this book to bring together valuable information on diverse yet crucial aspects of Primary Education admixing global ...
Secondary education is meant for the proper physical, psychological and vocational development of the students. Thus secondary education is called terminal in the sense that this part of education is considered sufficient for the child to face problems of livelihood in life. The percentage of students going to the university is not very high. Therefore, great attention is needed to be given to secondary education. The methods of teaching of secondary school ...
It has been established ever since Herbart developed his methods of teaching that methods of teaching should be based the psychological understanding of the children. The methods of teaching should also take into consideration the prevailing economic conditions in the society. The methods of teaching are also influenced by the prevailing political systems in the country. A good secondary education system should be based on philosophy, psychology and sociology. ...
That secondary education became a terminal kind of education in the life of a student. After secondary education students were expected to become matured persons and after passing their secondary schools examinations they were expected to behave as responsible citizens and as earning members of the society. That is why secondary education should be d3mocratic in nature and should keep in view the interest and aspirations of the students. Recently more and more ...
Secondary education is terminal is nature in that the students undergoing Secondary Education prefer to enter various professions for earning their livelihood. A very small number of students both in the developed and the developing country go to the universities. In view of this the Administration f Secondary Education has acquired paramount importance. This is a fact that Secondary Education is the responsibility of the Government to provide secondary education ...
The curriculum of secondary schools has to be kept very wide in view of the fact that the students come from various socio-economic backgrounds and as such their interests and aptitudes differ. Mainly secondary schools offer humanities, science, commerce and vocational subjects as the elective. Also there is a core curriculum which is compulsory for all the students especially upto 10th class which includes, Social Studies, Languages, General Science and Crafts. ...