Raj Kumar Pruthi

Showing all 19 books
"Education, employment and empowerment are the three vital weapons that have been recognised as powerful tools in ensuring the upliftment of women. There is pressing need for planners and policy makers to understand and encourage the empowerment of the Indian woman. With education comes employment and with this comes economic freedom, upon which the edifice of empowerment is built. Only when this is achieved can we hope for a transformation in the ...
"The Position of Women in India-right from the ancient through medieval to the modern times-has always attracted debate. Some scholars opine that women enjoyed greater freedom in the days of yore, others hold that the opposite is true. Here we have tried to present the facts as they were by quoting extensively from the Puranas and Smrtis. However, as recognised by the editors in this book, women have always been fighting for equal recognition in society. ...
"Women down the ages have always had to demand equal status for themselves in society. This is more so in a traditional set-up like India, where women have forever been a step behind men in deference to the "higher status" of man. The book 'Women in Law & Politics' specifically charts the progress of women, through their trials and tribulations, in their difficult journey demanding equal status in this male-dominated society. This book examines ...
Indian Society, as we see it today, has come through the ages. In this long journey towards development and progress it has transcended ancient, medieval periods and running through to the modern period. During this process of transcendence, the culture and civilisation of each period had great bearing on Indian society. Many civilisations became extinct in this developmental process but their art, archaeology and cultural heritage still remains and reminds us of ...
Art is the symbol of the culture to which it belongs, acquiring its style of expression in relation to it. The culture of India was always spiritual and the development of all arts and architecture took place against this background. Indian art, archaeology and culture has undergone various changes through the ages owing to many political, social and religious upheavals. India has a rich treasure of art reflecting its culture and civilization that gives an ...
Social structures, cultural norms and value systems have great bearing on social expectations regarding the behaviour of Indian women and determine their roles and position in society. The systems, descent, family and kinship, marriage, religious traditions, education provide the ideology and moral basis for women's notions about their rights and duties. Urbanisation, industrialisation, modernisation and economic aspects such as occupation, education and income ...
The history of British rule in India and its impact on modern-day life in this country is an important subject for all those interested in the history of India and also students preparing for careers in various administrative sectors. No doubt, much has been written on the subject but it has been widely dispersed. A seeker of information would have to spend considerable time searching for material, procuring it, and then searching for portions of interest to him. ...
Religion is the spiritual aspect of human life and is related with intellect and consciousness. Faith is the first tenet of religion. When this faith in a man grows stronger, he gains the prerogative of knowledge and character. Faith in moral law or conduct generated through a religious medium roots deep in human conscience. When this faith is commonly observed and followed by a community of people it becomes religion. During the period of Indus Valley ...
The peculiar geographical conditions and physical features of India has greatly influenced the course of its history and inhabitants since the pre-historic days. The diversity of the country and society has been the outcome of its vastness and variety in ethnological temperatment of people of different regions. Coming through ancient and medieval periods to modern time it has assimilated divergent cultures and traditions and has emerged as one-in-many political ...
The passage of Right to Information Act 2005 is a historic movement. It replaces the culture of secrecy and control with openness and participation. But legal framework on this topic so far have resulted in little change. In this another law that promises much, but changes little? More than the law, the RTI is a process, a tool, a concept and a cultural approach to life. Can we use this to meet the challenges of our democratic future? What is the potential and ...
In our efforts to seek comfort we have damaged our environment. We have depleted our natural resources and distributed the ecological balance and created pollution in water, air and soil. Aim of this book is to define pollution, the sources and effects of pollution. It discusses how technology has contributed to the degradation of environment. It examines the tremendous increase in population and the role education can play in finding a solution. Objective has ...
Critics of globalization contend that even if increased trade promotes material prosperity, it comes with a high spiritual and cultural cost. Yet another view is that when two cultures trade with each other, they tend to expand the opportunities available to individual artists. Aim of this book is to provide material to our readers on different aspects of the problem of globalization and culture. Important, interesting and upto date, essays have been selected to ...
Is globalisation good or bad? Is it Americanization of World Culture? It is a force for environmental devastation? A U.S.A. based international form in globalization favour devolution of power from the global to the local. Aim of this book is to make available to our readers extremely useful material by renowned authorities on the subject written through the ages. It is right time now when alternative to globalization in being debated all over the worked. Views ...
Globalization has brought improvements in material welfare to billions of people. The glo0bal economy of to-day offers unparalled opportunity to raise living standards across the world. But is it a threat to Jobs? Is it helping to overcome poverty? How can the changes arising from globalization be managed? Aim of this book is to provide to our readers answers to these and other relevant questions with regard to globalization and development. In selecting material ...
This collection of essays on history, society and culture in modern India is most topical as they deal with social stratification and mobility in India. They emphasise the need to study the ideology. These essays bring out the underlying processes that shape the paradoxical and complex feature of inherently pluralistic society. They also deal with topical and cardinal issues of nation building in India. The traditional social structure has been examined with its ...
Globalization is a buzzword. It refers to changes of fundamental importance. These charges have profound implications for politics as well. Aim of this book is selection of important innovative and up to material on this vital subject of great significance. Special care has been exercised to include essays in accordance with the course contents of the Indian and Foreign Universities.
This book deals with these and some other questions of globalization and inequality. Trade policy has not been shown to have any major impact on economic inequalities. Selection of the material on the topic has been mainly confined to the course constants of the universities in India and abroad. Efforts have been made to prepare a student friendly volume. General reader will also find it extremely useful.