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The present book consists of 30 reviews on important pest and diseases of cash crops, cereals, oilseeds, vegetables, fodders, fruits and pulses etc. Most of these articles have been prepared by authorities in their respective areas. There is a worldwide swing to the use of ecologically safe, environment friendly methods of protecting crops from pests and pathogens. Most modern biotechnologists and common man are of the opinion that dependence on expensive and ...
In agriculture economy of India, oilseeds stand next only to foodgrains in acreage, production and value. India witnessed 26.95% (21.42 million tonnes) increase in production during VIII plan over VII plan (16.92 million tonnes). This increase in production was contributed both by increase in area as also yield level. The country will be required to produce 27 million tonnes of oilseeds by the end of IX plan as against the present production level of 21.5 million ...
1. Aminopeptidase N as a receptor for Bacillus thuringiensis cry toxins/Ryoichi Sato. 2. Molecular biology of Bacillus thuringiensis/Ming Sun, Lei Zhang, and Yu Ziniu. 3. Bacillus sphaericus: mechanism and application as a mosquito-larvicide/Yuan Zhiming. 4. Insect pest resistant transgenic crops/P. Ananda Kumar. 5. Molecular biology of insect viruses/Zhihong Hu, Xinwen Chen and Xiulian Sun. 6. Genetic enhancement of baculovirus insecticides/Bryony C. Boning, ...