Rajeev Kumar

Showing all 13 books
Physical fitness is now more or less a matter of national concern. The strength of democracy is the collective well being of you people. We live in a labour-saving and mechanized society, which is eliminating more and more physical exertion from our day-today life. The industrial development is responsible for mechanical devices such as washing machine water motors, vacuum cleaner, cooking as gas, vehicles and telephone system and the like which have reduced ...
Fruit growers are constantly traveling to other countries with advanced agricultural technology to learn new techniques. Easy exchange of research data, technical information, and marketing figuresh as also contributed to changes in the Spanish fruit industry. Adoption of modern technology has led to major technical, commercial and social changes in the sector. The factors that have exerted the greatest influence on these changes concern the two main aspects of ...
Beekeeping or agriculture from bee is the maintenance of honey bee colonies commonly in hives by humans. A beekeeper or apiarist keeps bees in order to collect honey and other products of the hive including beeswax propolis pollen and royal jelly to pollinate or to produce bees for sale to other beekeepers. A location where bees are kept is called an apiary or bee yeard. There are more than 20000 species of wild bees. Many species are solitary and many others ...
This publication titled Encyclopaedia of Research Methodology in Arts, Language and Linguistics primarily deals with major research methodologies in arts, culture, language, literature and linguistics. It also provides an introductory overview of basic issues concerning research methodology. Research methodology in arts is discussed in detail. An in-depth analysis of research methodology in performing arts is done. Research methodologies in music, theatre, dance ...
Southeast Asia is a region where one can find many similarities between different countries. Southeast Asia has never been in any sense as isolated or self-contained unit. Because of its crossroads situation on the map of Asia it has always been peculiarly exposed to external influences; it has been a meeting-ground of commerce, cultures and civilizations. In a sense Southeast Asia has always been part of something bigger then itself; it has generally played a ...