Rajeev Saxena

Showing all 13 books
In the Work “Environmental Education” author has explored the possibilities of consciousness of “Green” in cradle of traditional political philosophy. Author has underlined the Green political theory and its educating manifestation in fresh vision. The present work also underlines the philosophical crisis of Green thought and the Gandhian model of Green political theory. The work is unique in the sense that Contemporary crises of ...
Endocrinology is a very specialized area of modern medical system. The details of these type of disorders produce a bewilderment. The approach towards endocrinology is a specific network of physiological actions in modern medicine, but in homoeopathic science, the way to deal with endocrne disorders is altogether different. The science of homoeopathy sees endocrinology as a phenomena which has been produced by disturbed vital force. This phenomena is a spectrum ...
Sex is one of the most important aspects of human life. No human being is perfect unless he or she enjoys sexual experience. Sexual activity is meant for procreation as well as for controlled sexual pleasure. This has been the Indian thought on sex. The sexual disorders/diseases and other ailments pertaining to sexual activities have been discussed in this work in an easy language. This work has been based on practical and therapeutic approach. The homeopathic ...
The salient features of this book are: The first independent work on orthopedic needs in homoeopathy. The subject matter has been enriched by relevant homoeopathic philosophy and modern orthopedic descriptions. Some rare and new remedies have been described for the practice. All the relevant homoeopathic remedies have been discussed at appropriate places everywhere in this work. The focus on direct energy medicines is an additional charm. The emergency medicines ...
Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder. Generally this is a problem of adult age, but it may also occur at any age. The exact etiological cause of the disease is still unknown in light of orthodox medicine, but in homeopathic medical science the concept of constitutional treatment and miasmatic diagnosis hold the strong ground to diagnose the disease quite before the pathological process of disease is established. Homeopathic philosophy and ...
Nosodes are the sure and specific guided missiles in the armamentorium of homoeopathy. When the similimum does not work even after well repertorization and logic, the attention should go towards Nosodes. They are known for miracles. In the present time much work is being done for the cause and establishment of nosodes. Growing and advanced knowledge of bio-sciences and the eternal principles of homoeopathy are contributing precious gems to homoeopathic medical ...
For the first time a separate work is coming on Direct Energy Medicines. These are the most potent medicine in hands of homoeopaths. The factor of specificity is also an additional factor attached with them.
Tuberculosis is a most dreaded disease of humanity. Though it can be controlled in a better way nowadays, yet its terrific effects on individual and society are long-lasting. The situation is more serious in developing countries and especially in India. It claims the majority of deaths. The purpose in writing this work has been to present to the homoeopathic fraternity the subject of the disease along with its treatment. Modern chemotherapeutic medication (and ...
Infectious diseases can be very much helped and treated by homeopathy. The cardinal principles of homeopathy offer a gentle and permanent way to treat infections. A subtle, single, potent and penetrating signal to stimulate the defence mechanism of body is all that which is required to treat infections. Homeopathy offers all this. In modern medicine the germs are killed but in homeopathy the germs are neutralized or killed by stimulating the soil (Body’s ...
This book is the first independent attempt on seeking thermal response in homeopathy. The thermal modality of the patient is an important axis for the drug selection. The present work therefore submits following essentials for a fair prescription: Thermal Modality; Thermal Mechanism of Body; Thermal Materia Medica; Thermal Therapeutics.