Rajesh Singh

Showing all 7 books
Making a commitment to let go of problems and to fervently seek the answers from the spiritual realm can often lead to divine guidance. The purpose of pilgrimage tourism is to seek peace and blessings of God by pilgrim tourists. It rejuvenates spirits and fills us with new energy and motivation. Holy locations tend to inspire a sense of awe in those who visit them. Emotions and thoughts can clear and crystallize so that the divine can more easily be recognized. ...
Unprecented change has been the constant challenge faced by all organizations world over because of dramatic increase of globalization of business. Meeting this growing international competition has made imperative for Indian organizations to redesign their goals, management systems and procedures. This calls for building the culture of innovation and flexibility through drastic change in the mindset, a total personal and organizational change in thinking and ...
As a supplement to direct instruction method, case Study is an effective device to make the students/trainees aware of the intricacies of the system of Public Administration. Actual cases can help the students to understand the principles and practice of Public Administration clearly. This can encourage them to take up study of other case studies for their understanding and development. This also helps the students to move from concrete to abstract, a fundamental ...