Whether east or west almost all the ancient civilizations recorded the position of planets against the backdrop of fixed stars and the consequence thereof But unfortunately astrology for us today ends up with a horoscope on a piece of papers, actually forgetting the sky that is mapped in the horoscope, as if these two were two different things. Modern day life has become increasingly busy leaving no time to look up to the sky, even for a while. Sky remains too ...
Premchand's stories present panoply of emotions. Love and hate, sacrifice and selfishness, courage and cowardice, devotion and waywardness, ambition and otherworldliness, mercy and cruelty are interwoven in the warp and weft of his stories. he has depicted the degeneracy of the society and yet he believes in the potential of the human spirit to sore above the empyrean heights. This volumes contains ten stories, each different from the other, each complete in ...