Ramesh Chandra

61 books
One of the current problems in crop production is increased dependency on costly imported inputs. The limited availability and imbalance use of chemical fertilizers in developing countries has led to stagnation or declining trend in soil fertility and crop yields. A huge amount of various bioresources are generated as byproducts of farm and industry, and their disposal is becoming problematic in developing countries. These bioresources if, managed properly, have ...
The experiences of the past few decades have shown that industrialisation and economic development have impacted, strained and in many cases altered ecosystems. An assessment of biological diversity at the global level reveals that increasing human interventions in the ecosystems have accelerated the process of biodiversity loss and Asia is the most threatened continent. Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, hence, are fundamental to sustainable ...
Babu Jagjivan Ram was one of the topmost political figures of the pre and post independence era and known in the history as a builder of modern India. He was a great social rebel and radical thinker who fought for the liberation of the millions of marginalised sections of society, including the untouchables, the Shudras the agricultural labour out of social isolation, slavery, serfdom and discriminations. The present publication Babu Jagjivan Ram: a Crusader for ...
Soil is important gift of nature to humankind. It is important not only for the production of food and fibre, but also for maintenance of health of living beings, environment and ground water quality. For modern society, soil is more important than ever before because soil resources of the world are finite, non renewable over the human time frame and is liable to misuse and mismanagement. Soil resources are shrinking all over the world through several soil ...
The intermediates described in this book include different types of phenols, aldehydes, carboxylic acids and ketones (acetophenones, w-substituted acetophenones, propiophenones, butyrophenones, benzophenones, phenyl ketones and some miscellaneous ketones). The preparation of heterocyclic compounds (O-containing, S-containing, N-containing, N & S-containing) is also described. The synthesis of certain miscellaneous compounds of the type benzyl cyanides, ...
The developmental planning aims to take the country even further ahead, potentially to become the fastest growing country by the end of the 11 plan period. Here we study particularly about educational and social planning in India. A persistent complaint voiced by state governments, civil society organizations and numerous other entities is about the lack of complete information on the wide range of programmes and schemes undertaken by the various central ...
The theme has deep bearing on long and chequered career of the great Harijan or Dalit leader, commonly known as Baba Saheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. From his early days he began to realise that the Harijan’s social status is ‘very poor’ in the Indian society. In fact he was the victim at several fora. But he waited till he received the highest academic status in U.K. and U.S.A. Having equipped himself well academically, he began to think actively for the ...
Based on 21 chapters, a comprehensive bibliography and index, the theme depicts a complete picture of the phases of Dalit revolt. The element of awakening was generated by prominent leaders and the continued process of awakening became a glaring phenomenon. This work indeed will be useful for teachers, scholars and students in India and abroad.
This work deals with a biographical sketch of an eminent scientist whose achievements are unique in the annals of scientific history. Commonly called the Missile Man, born at Rameswaram in a humble family background. He has a chequered career of five decades. His great contribution in Prithvi, Akash, Agni, Nag, Pokharan II and other scientific achievements have been highlighted in this work. Thus, one could say with confidence that the last few decades were most ...
The subject of Dalit Identity has of late developed into a new area of research. Today, scholars approach this subject with much more sophistication than what they used to do about two decades back. This project marks a welcome recognition of the achievements registered by Dalits in various spheres of life despite the adverse circumstances they were placed in. Glearing examples in the respect are those of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Babu Jagjivan Ram and K.R. Narayanan ...
Corporate management is one area in which the concerned managers have to be updated now and then. Hence in this book an effort has been made to give comprehensive idea of varied aspects of the subject. It presents the concept of Corporate Management in a completely dynamic and novel way. In the days of global competition, the corporate managers have to know how to fact it and go global. The book gives a detailed description of the changing facets of corporate ...
Mudrarakshasa is a historical play of the nataka type in seven acts written by Visakhadatta in 6th Century A.D. in which Chanakya, the minister of king Chandragupta of Pataliputra, wins over Rakshasa, the minister of the Nandas to the side of Chandragupta. It is an unique play in many respects. The play is based on a political theme and it bears testimony to the consummate skill of Visakhadatta as a dramatist. It does not present any of the recognized dramatic ...
The information and communication technologies have opened new avenues of information and education with additional dimension of interactivity. The new technologies can transform education to meet the needs of mass education as well as individualization of education. They enhance training of teachers, provide different modes of learning and increases the pace of research. This book address the potential and role of technologies in contributing to improvement in ...
The theme has been weaved into seven comprehensive chapters including the source material at the end of the book. Since the days of yore, temples are the centers of our religious beliefs which were built up with the spontaneous donors from time to time. They represent several gods and goddesses who are generally venerated by all the Hindus in accordance with the prevalent customs and traditions. The big temples are managed by the registered trusts and proper ...
The demand of horticultural produce for internal market as well as for export is on rise. There is an urgent need to increase the production and productivity of horticultural crops. Microprogagation is most widely used commercialized global application of plant biotechnology in horticulture. In vitro propagated plants of banana, strawberry and many other ornamental crops have become a commercial reality. However, micropropagation of number of horticultural crops ...
Fairs and festivals play a dominant role in our society. They have deep links with our customs, beliefs and traditions, in fact the functioning of our society depends upon the celebration of big and small function. Thus there are festivals and fairs in the memory of our Gods, Goddesses, and deities. Indeed they are several in number. For example we celebrate Diwali, Dussehrah and other festivals and fairs with much pump and show. They have links with the ...
The Main thrust of the theme revolve round the future of Dalits. In this regard, efforts have been made to weave the theme having deep bearing on the statutory privileges, financial gains, political activities, justice under the constitution, human right, resurgence of Buddhism, neo-Buddhism as a social philosophy and an assessment. This work would be useful for social scientists, teachers and students in India and abroad.
Water is source of life on earth. It also causes diseases if not managed in the right way. Water resource management and sanitation is a major health issue. Issue related with water and sanitation are examined in depth in this book. Community development, issues like sources of food supply, management of irrigation water, hygiene promotion programmes role of government and NGOs, UNICEF related implication etc, form the core of subject matter of this work. The ...
The theme contains a huge list of Dalit Leaders. Who has played a significant role in the upliftment of the members of their society. We have used them their speeches and writings and have weaved the whole theme in few comprehensive chapters. An affort has been made to take up as many as Dalit leaders whose Bio-data was available. Undoubtedly the comprehensive details of this book would be useful for several categories of Indian society including researchers ...
Corporate sector today is accountable for its actions with regard to environmental issues. Corporates can no more afford to be negligent towards the environment; rather they have to contribute to its development alongside achieving their economic growth. Policies and acts are in place to provide guidance to the corporate sector. As environment is a global issue and it is not possible to view it in isolated situation, any environmental policy has to be global in ...
The theme covering eleven chapters on various phases of caste system in India are well-knit. The aspects have main thrust on Aryan races, evolution of caste, the Brahmanic system, nature of Hindu society, untouchability and progressive legislation having deep linkage with the main problem.
This book would be useful for social scientists, teachers and students.
Protection of intellectual property has always been a different task as it is not a thing that can be kept in a closet for protection. These have been the legal safeguards like patents, trademarks and copyrights but with technological advances, it has become more and more difficult to protect IPRs. In this era of information technology, internet has become a huge information outlet and also a favourite tool for IPR invaders. More means are being discovered by ...