Ramesh S. Balsekar

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since retiring as president of the Bank of India, has been teaching Advaita (non-duality) for over twenty years to seekers from around the world. He has also written a number of books on Advaita. In the conversations in this book Ramesh points to the ‘intrinsic closeness’ between modern physics, Hinduism and Buddhism in their similar recognition of the ‘Unbroken Wholeness’ of the manifest universe. In the context of his concept of how life ...
It is everyone's experience that the basis of daily living is facing life from moment to moment, necessarily accepting whatever the moment brings - sometimes pain, sometimes pleasure. The interconnected opposites of pain and pleasure, along with the opposites of every conceivable kind, beginning with male and female, form the very basis of life and living; and, therefore, it is impossible to separate one from the other. What the human being wants is one and ...
Ashtavakra Says: You are not the body which is composed of the five elements. You are that Consciousness which has provided the inert body with the sentience that makes the senses function I regard to their objects. It is sentience which makes the psychosomatic apparatus work as a unit; Anticipating the query from his intelligent disciple, the guru tells him further, "You" are not the physical organism but Consciousness which works not as someone in ...
Remain relaxed in Consciousness. In any situation, do whatever you feel you should do without any regrets about the past, without any complaints in the present, without any expectations for the future, and, importantly, without blaming and condemning anyone for anything – neither yourself nor the 'other'. This will enable you to live your life, constantly connected to the Source, and will give you happiness through peace of mind: ...
Ramesh S Balsekar, in this volume, reaches beyond the communication of past knowledge to a creative exploration of the teachings of Nisargadatta Maharaj, inspired by the thirst of other seekers for enlightenment. In his contemplations upon the sentience of the human spirit, Balsekar has used Maharaj’s wisdom as the touchstone for his own ventures into the realm of conscious and unconscious. Explorations into the Eternal: Forays into the ...
It stands to reason that if you want something desperately you would take great pains to find out what it did for those who have got it. So if you desire enlightenment, it would make abundant sense to at least check out what the enlightened ones have to say about the state of self-realization. That is what enlightened living does for you.in this book, ramesh balsekar arguably the most renowned exponent of the ancient philosophy of advaita today and the author of ...
The daily talks with Ramesh S. Balsekar are an eloquent and delightful happening of the Teachings of pure Advaita (Non-duality). When the ego asks: "How can the intellectual understanding which is a conceptual understanding become the truth for me?", Ramesh explains: "It can only be known from personal investigation and experience that 'no action is my action'. The teaching can be of use only if it helps you to live your life in peace." Every ...
innocent remarks of a child Tat-Twam-Asi-THAT You Are Aham-Brahma-Asmi-I am Brahman Tat-Twam-Asi-THAT you are These statements – the mahavakyas – have caused considerable confusion among Indian spiritual seekers because the inner meaning has not been comprehended. Every twam is not Tat: every 'you' are not THAT. THAT is every 'you', THAT will always be there without 'you', but 'you' cannot be there without THAT. Unless ...
In nearly every talk happening daily in Bombay, Ramesh Balsekar reminds visitors that anything any sage has ever said, anything any religion or scripture has ever said is a concept. In a delightful and unique manner he shatters commonly held fantasies about Truth, about seeking, about how life happens. A teacher of pure Advaita, or non-duality, Ramesh is an unearthly blend of the utterly human and utterly divine manifesting as a brilliant spiritual Master. His ...
Understanding comes to different people through different routes. With some it scores a direct hit with wisdom; with others it seeps in almost innocuously through the subtle layers of wit, anecdotes and teaching stories. No one knows just when it will strike and how. Take quintessential wisdom for example. Ramana Maharshi says, "All that needs to be said ha been said in Verse 170 of Acharya Shankaracharya's Vivekachudamani: In the dream state, even ...
Can Spiritual Understanding be imparted through letters? It's a long-distance love affair. The Master is in Bombay; most of his disciples thousands of miles away. The Teaching deals with Advaita, or non-duality. Ans as the Teaching gently seeps deeper, doubts and questions sprout; and often, the only way the disciple can seek guidance from the Master is through mail. The correspondence that flows is truly remarkable since it is both subjective and objective, ...
The abhangas, the spontaneous outpourings of a keen devotee, offer the very core of advaita. For centuries, the abhangas have served as succinct and direct pointers to Reality. The format of the abhanga is simple, easy to understand: a few lines dealing with a particular aspect of the Understanding, followed by a forceful summation akin to an arrow that embeds itself in the heart, circumventing the intellect. In some cases, the abhanga bursts forth when the arrow ...
Since retiring as President of the Bank of India, has been teaching Advaita (Non-duality) for almost twenty years to seekers from around the world. He has also written a number of books on Advaita. In the conversations in this book Ramesh points to the 'intrinsic closeness' between modern physics, Hinduism and Buddhism in their similar recognition of the 'Unbroken Wholeness' of the manifest universe. In the context of his concept of how life happens, Ramesh ...
Ramesh S. Balsekar is one of the most profound spiritual Masters of this Age. He is both a brilliant writer and a captivating speaker. Shortly, after retiring as the President of the Bank of India, he met the sage Nisargadatta Maharaj and began translating for Maharaj's daily morning talks. It was not long before Ramesh too experienced the Ultimate Understanding. He is therefore a wonderful blend of East and West, spiritual and material. His compassion and ...
This contemporary Guru Pournima tribute is a collection of favorite commentaries on the Guru-disciple relationship by Ramesh S. Balsekar - conversations, letters and poems, each a profound expression of gratitude shared between Guru and disciple in this most divine and mysterious of all relationships. Guru Pournima is a celebration honoring the Guru on the auspicious full moon in July-August in the Indian month of Ashada, dating back to the ancient Indian sage ...
Is Spiritual Understanding something apart from daily living? Not according to Ramesh Balsekar's teaching. He says, "Spiritual understanding brings with it a wonderful sense of harmony, a lack of tension and a sense of freedom in daily living." As a retired bank president, golfer and family man, Ramesh doesn't fit the stereotype of an Indian guru... Yet, his background and education combine with his Understanding to make him a Master who is an ...
Ramesh S. Balsekar is one of the most profound spiritual Masters of this Age. He is both a brilliant writer and a captivating speaker. Shortly after retiring as the President of the Bank of India, he met the sage Nisargadatta Maharaj and began translating for Maharaj's daily morning talks. It was not long before Ramesh too experienced the Ultimate Understanding. He is therefore a wonderful blend of East and West, spiritual and material. His compassion and ...