Rashmi Singh

Showing all 7 books
Agriculture sector is at the crossroads economically, environmentally, socially and technologically. Shrinking land base and rampant unemployment are the marked features of our rural areas. There is need to commercialize and diversify Indian Agriculture to create agro-based employment opportunities in such a way that one can generate more income per unit of area. With liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation, the whole world has come to our local markets ...
The present book entitled "Sustainable Management and Conservation of Biodiversity" comprises 30 articles pertaining to this discipline. This book is basically a proceeding of the "National Conference on Recent Concepts of Biodiversity and Biotechnology" held at Shri Ram Krishna College of Commerce and Science, Satna (M.P.) from 24th--25th January, 2009. The editors are grateful to all the contributors who responded promptly be making their ...