Rita Singh

Showing all 13 books
In the "Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Biomedicine" the drugs of different origin viz. Vegetable, animal and mineral have been described in considerably illustrated form. The information given here is based mainly on the scientific work carried out in different parts of India & abroad. The chemistry of drugs, the pharmacological action of active principles isolated & the results of clinical traits carried out have been disinclined here to give a ...
The present state of forestry in our country reveals that the Indian forests are neither able to fulfil the ever increasing demand nor can sustain the ecological security. ‘Social forestry’ purely an Indian concept, has developed under Indian environment and culture. It has been adopted and modified differently by different states. India, second in population in the world, needs social forestry programmes, because increasing ...
This is a pioneering attempt to cover an in-depth biographical informations of 375 eminent psychologists from all over the world since earliest time to present day. For including the name as psychologist in this encyclopaedia, some basic principles have always been kept in mind, i.e., those who gave new dimensions in psychological thoughts and different views of all the major psychological schools and traditions of the world from different fields, times and ...
Biotechnology is a recently developed domain of research involving new techniques that have arisen out of interdisciplinary interaction and comprises of genetic engineering, immobilization of biocatalytic systems, cultivation of animal, plant and microbial cells, development of fused cell techniques and bioengineering process and system. This book Introduction to Biotechnology; compiled in two volumes deals with different steams of science like microbiology, ...
This book Industrial Biotechnology is an attempt to deal with the use of living organisms or their products in large-scale industrial processes. It is an old field that has been rejuvenated in recent years due to the development of genetic engineering techniques.
In recent years the biotechnological advance in food industry has been of major importance and there is potential for future development. New innovations in technology improve the product quality or reduce the cost or both. Application of biological principles results in production or conversion of food stuff into more palatable, nutritious or stable food.
Biotechnology is a fascinating and challenging field of research with wide scope and immense possibilities of producing improved varieties of plants free from pests and diseases and their mass production with a short time through tissue culture. Not only this, it has the potential to enhance the production, processing and marketing components of crop agriculture. Biotechnology has its roots in agriculture and brewing industry, but recent developments in genetic ...
India due to its unique variety of geographical and climatic factors, has had a rich and varied flora of medicinal value since the vedic period. The trade structure of the medicinal plants is practically very complex and diverse. Drug usage in human cultures is very ancient and was often associated with religious and cultural ceremonies and customs. The most prevalent psychoactive drugs in preindustrial times were hallucinogenic plants also classified as ...