S D Sharma

30 books
According to a crude estimate, there were about 100,000 traditional rice varieties in India a hundred years back. Ever since rice research started in this country about a hundred years ago, there were many piecemeal efforts to collect these varieties, characterize them, evaluate them and use them for the improvement of rice varieties. With the advent of high yielding rice varieties in 1960s, these local varieties have been progressively dropped from cultivation ...
Victorian Fiction: Some New Approaches deals with Thomas Love Peacock, Thomas Hardy, Charles Dickens, Mrs. Elizabeth Gaskell, Anthony Trollope, W.M. Thackeray, George Eliot and George Meredith in addition to a number of other novelists. The chapters based on these novelists thoroughly and conclusively analyse and summarise only those aspects which form the central part of the modern criticism. Novels chosen for discussion, too, are those which usually have a ...
The present book Genetic Improvement of Rice Varieties of India has one general chapter, five chapters dealing with the contribution made by the national institutes, twenty one chapters dealing with the work done in states and union territories and one chapter about the role of private sector. Each chapter on a national institute describes the mandate of that institute with regard to rice improvement and the work done on varietal improvement of rice at that ...
The book covers almost all the fields of agricultural research on rice such as antiquity, morphology, taxonomy, origin, physiology, genetics, plant breeding, seed production, agronomy, soil science, entomology, pathology, agricultural engineering, post-harvest technology, economics and marketing up to the present time but highlights the work done during the last forty years in India. The chapters have been especially written for readers who have graduated in ...
A cross the globe very few areas are left today where human intervention has not altered the ecological structure and function of endemic ecosystems. Areas with reversible ecological impacts are easy to restore and maintain the ecological health through the processes o nature recovery. However, where the impacts on land and water are severe and irreversible, ecological restoration is required. Mining of minerals is one activity that drastically alters the ...