Showing all 6 books
Wealth management, also known as private banking, has appeared at the centre-stage in finance management especially of high networth individuals (HNIs), superannuated persons with a corpus of retrial funds, non-resident individuals etc. Also persons of moderate resources looking for safe and appropriate return on their investments often need counseling in wealth management issues. Management institutes in India and overseas generally incorporate a Module on ...
Treasury risk management is very crucial in modern banking financial institution functions the world over with forces of deregulation and globalization. Skillful risk management is the sure shot of profitability out of market-driven opportunities and this needs articulation. The Basel-II Accord seeks to place significant emphasis on this subject through its Three Pillars. All the essential aspects of treasury risk management and ALM functions have been covered in ...
The book contains the collection of papers presented at the seminar on ‘Technology in Medieval India-16th 18th Century ‘held at Birla Industrial and Technological Museum, Calcutta September, 1984. In recent times there has been significant researches in the field of History of Sciences in India. Following the lead given by Prof. Irfan Habib, Aligarh Muslim University, researches have been undertaken by different scholars in the field of technology in ...
The world over there has been a significant thirst for growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) mainly in view of this sector’s ability to deliver quality products/services at cheaper cost and to provide large scale employment. The Government of India has implemented with effect from 2nd October, 2006 a comprehensive legislation known as ‘Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act’ with a view to mitigate the problems of this sector, ...
Credit Risk Management is occupying centre stage in Indian commerce at the moment especially in the commercial banking industry mainly due to the heightened focus of the international regulatory authorities. This book covers all the important facets of credit risk in an integrated manner, with an added emphasis on the internal credit rating mechanism, industry profile studies and credit audit, with examples/case studies relevant in the Indian context. These ...
Operational Risk is one of the important arms of the risk management triangle, the other two being Credit Risk and Market (Treasury) Risk. Any organisation, particularly in the banking sector, is squarely exposed to operational risks emanating within or outside the organisation. There was no precise definition of operational risk until Basel Accord II came into being in June 2004. For the first time in the history of global banking, operational risk capital ...