Showing all 7 books
This textbook on Linear Algebra provides a modern, elementary introduction to linear algebra and some of its interesting applications, suitable for the students of mathematics and allied fields. It is assumed that the students are acquainted with the fundamental ideas of Set, Relations and Mapping. Some of the elementary concepts have been dealt with a view to initiate the more advanced treatment of the subject. The contents conform to the syllabi of several ...
This book presents the essentials of two and three dimensions of analytical geometry in two parts with the full spectrum of predagogical features including examples theorems and proofs practice problems and exercises. The overall approach is systematic and rigorous which is geared toward advanced undergraduates and graduate students. The book is intended to serve as a textbook for the students of several universities as the selection of the content is according ...
The present publication is divided into three sections covering differential equations, special functions and integral transforms. The topics included in the text fully covered the syllabi of several Indian Universities. It is hoped that the publication is of great value to all the students.
Spherical trigonometry is a branch of spherical geometry which deals with polygons (especially triangles) on the sphere and the relationships between the sides and the angles, whereas spherical astronomy or positional astronomy is the branch of astronomy that is used to determine the location of objects on the celestial sphere, as seen at a particular date, time, and location on the earth.The present publication is divided into two sections i.e. Spherical ...
The present publication is divided into three sections covering Differential Equations, Special Functions and Integral Transforms. The topics included in the text fully covered the syllabi of several Indian Universities. Section of Differential Equations of the first order but not of the first degree, Singular Solutions, Trajectories, Homogeneous Linear Differential Equations, Simultaneous Linear Differential Equations with Second order with Variable Constant ...
The present publication is divided into two sections i.e., Real Analysis and Complex analysis. Section on Real Analysis covers Sequences of Real Numbers; Sequences of Rational Numbers; and Limits and Continuity, while the section on Complex Analysis covers Analytic Functions and Power Series; Conformal Mappings and Complex Integration and Calculus of residues. The topics included in the text are according to the new pattern of University Grants Commission and is ...
The present publication is written to meet the requirements of undergraduate and postgraduate students of several Indian Universities. The topics included in the text are according to the new pattern of University Grants Commission. The subject matter both as regards the arrangement of chapters as well the contents of each chapter has been so graded, proceeding from simple to more difficult topics, that a student may follow the course with great ease and ...