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Before making out a case for a national information system in education in India, the publication gives a broad over view of educational as well as information systems of U.K. and U.S.A. as also of the prevailing situation in India by way of necessary background and to their salient features indicating both the similarities and dis-similarities of these systems. Since the focus of the book is on information system, it makes a detailed examination of the national ...
Beyond Hindutva is addressed, in particular, to the Hindus and other big and small communities presently living in India, that is, Bharat. It shows the way of Hindutva or Indianism for them to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century this, it offers a complete framework of thought and action. Accordingly, the Hindus have to move away from their decadent forms of Hindu Dharma, Hinduism, Hindu ideology, and some Gandhian misconceptions. The ideology of ...
This book meets the challenges coming up before political science of the twenty-first century in the form of globalisation, global governance, feminism, contemporary terrorism, state supremacy, democracy, and human rights. In the light of the latest developments, it tries to explain analyse and evaluate them to reformulate contemporary 'Political Theory'. It first takes up substantive studies of political behaviouralism, power influence, authority and legitimacy, ...