S.M. Reddy

Showing all 13 books
The book has a part of agriculture microbiology, which deals with soil structure, function in plant growth and development, and plant diseases and management. The part on Environmental microbiology covers the role of microorganisms, their importance in food safety and food production. The final part of the book deals in importance of microorganisms in production of chemicals and medicines needed for man. The contents are updated to make the students aware of the ...
Mycotoxins, toxic metabolites of molds elaborated during their colonization of foods and feeds, pose a threat to human and animal life. Molds are the diverse group of fungi, which grow in compatatively dry and warm environments, produce copious amount of spores and promote the elaboration of these mycotoxins. Mycotoxigenic fungi, which are unique their sporulating apparatus and exhibit wide variation in their morphology, poses a challenge in their identification. ...
Industrial Biotechnology is an interdisciplinary subject involves microbiology, biochemistry, process technology and chemical technology. The topics need to be dealt in an interactive way in order to comprehend the complexities involved in the fermentative production of different products of commercial importance. The present book deals with the basics of bio-process and large scale production of microbial products of economic importance. An effort is made to ...
Mycotoxins, secondary metabolites of storage moulds, are important bioagents responsible far reaching health hazards of animals and man. They need to be understood by scientist of different disciplines such as medicine, pharmacy, biochemistry, ecology, food science, veterinary and agriculture and in order to protect the health of man. India being a tropical and subtropical country is likely to be citadel for mycotoxins. In spite of this, much ...
This book "Integrated Plant Pathology" covers about 14 chapters on all the latest emerging topics to wide choice such as molecular basis of host-pathogen interactions, genomics of phytopathogenic fungi, molecular genetics by phytopathogenic bacteria, bioinformatics mycotoxins, integrated disease management to rice production, integrated nematode management in oil seeds management of apple diseases, plant quarantine and microbial biopesticides in India; ...
This book forms the proceedings of National Symposium and covers different aspects of biofertilizers and biocontrol agents. The contributions are from the leading microbiologists in their respective fields. The book presents a holistic picture of role of microorganisms in plant growth and development on one hand and plant protection on the other. An up-date information is provided in this book. Role of biofertilizers in integrated nutrient management was ...
This book forms the proceedings of National Symposium and covers different aspects of biofertilizers and biocontrol agents. The contributions are from the leading microbiologists in their respective fields. The book presents a holistic picture of role of microorganisms in plant growth and development on one hand and plant protection on the other. An up-date information is provided in this book. Role of biofertilizers in integrated nutrient management was ...
This book, the first of its kind by Indian authors, tries to develop a comprehensive understanding of microbial metabolism. It deals with all basic and unique physiological aspects of microorganisms in an ordered sequence with profuse illustrations. Discussion of all chapters is based on the concepts of bioenergetics which form the lifeline of metabolic functions. It provides the foundation and general frame work for further understanding of the subject. This ...
This book provides the entire basic information required for the beginner of virology. All types of viruses including subviral agents, viroids and prions are dealt in an orderly manner with profuse illustrations. A comprehensive and update account of principles of virology, taxonomy, replication strategies, diagnostic techniques and management of viral diseases is the major attraction of this book. The information provides will be useful to undergraduate and ...
During the recent years great advances have been made in nearly all fields of plant sciences. Frontiers in Plant Sciences is an attempt to bring all these widely different aspects together in one volume. The present volume contains wide ranging articles on taxonomy of fungi, microbial ecology and applied microbiology (including aerobiology, mycorrhizae, soil rhizosphere, microflora and biological control of plant diseases). Algae, an aquatic angiosperm, have also ...
Contents: 1. Phytopathogenic fungi: from gene-for-gene to genomics/A. Pain, A.K. Dhar and C. Chattopadhyay. 2. Integrated disease management as a holistic approach to rice production/K. Muralidharan and C.S. Reddy. 3. Biology, epidemiology and management of apple leaf spot diseases - a review/J.N. Sharma, Ravinder Kumar and L.N. Bhardwaj. 4. Pathogenesis-related proteins in plant defence/B.N. Chakraborty and M. Sharma. 5. Integrated nematode management in ...