Showing all 24 books
In India, the history of tribal social movements is quite old. These social movements have impacted tribal culture and tradition in multiple ways. Initially, most of these movements were local and largely reformative in character. But, as the interactions of tribals with outside forces, cultures, and traditions increased, the nature, magnitude, and intensity of social movements also increased. Contrary to the past, gradually these movements shifted from the issue ...
The book is on the state of tribal women in India over time and takes up issues that concern them. Focusing on tribal women from different regions of India, it shows that they continue to suffer from oppression despite legal safeguards and development programmes. It studies the factors responsible for the changing status of tribal women, the manner in which to educate them and make them aware of their basic rights, and ways to make the forces of globalisation ...
This book seeks to examine the extent of indebtedness among the tribals in India and its impact on their social, economic, psychological and cultural life. Tracing the factors that motivate the tribal communities to seek loan, it describes in detail the formal and informal sources of loan.
Finding out the difficulties experienced by the tribals at different levels while trying to receive loan, it analyzes the consequences of non-refund of loan and suggests ...
An outcome of a national seminar, this book attempts to take stock of the status of tribal identity with reference to national development and globalization in the historical perspective. It also underlines factors and conditions responsible for origin, functioning and change in indices of tribal identity, emergence of new identity, interface between traditional and modern identity and overall impact of changes in identity on their material and non-material ...
With the recent technological breakthrough in agriculture, the importance of the subject of Agriculture Economics has increased. Although in India Agriculture Economic teachers and researchers have produced a good deal of literature on different aspects, we do not find many book dealing with the subject comprehensively and systematically to meet the requirements of students. The available Handbook contain material which has little relevance to Indian conditions. ...
The volume is concerned with continuity and change in different aspects of life where the Gond tribals of the Madhya Pradesh state are concerned. It discusses the way new cultural contacts have effected changes in their household and agricultural assets, means of entertainment, sources of livelihood, educational system, health and disease management, nutrition, and aspects relating to crime and punishment. The empirical study also throws light on how they are ...
Revised version of papers presented at a national seminar held at Bhopal during 11-12 February 2009.
Scheduled castes and scheduled tribes constitute about 16 and 20 per cent of total population of Madhya Pradesh, respectively. Because of social and physical segregation, the rate of their participation in the development process was very limited. Their presence in political sphere, particularly in the Panchayati Raj institutions was notional before the 73rd Constitutional Amendment. Today, there are thousands of Dalits and Adivasis at different levels of PRI. ...
The 94 papers in this set of five volumes, presented at an international conference, organised by Barkatullah University, Bhopal, analyse the interface between human rights and poverty, with particular reference to India. Dealing with conceptual theoretical and philosophical dimensions of poverty and human rights, they address a wide range of issues pertaining to the situation of human rights and poverty among different social groups in different states of the ...
This book comprises 20 articles contributed by leading botanists of the country. There is a wealth of information ranging from the Portuguese and Dutch exploration in the 16th and 17th century Malabar and their socio-cultural impact, microbial interaction, environmental biology, plant resources, conservation and improvement, macrophyte diversity of wetlands, biodiversity of wild mushrooms, management of Fusarium wilt disease and phytoparasitic nematodes, ...
Like other Biosphere reserve, the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve in Madhya Pradesh is the abode of various tribal groups. Indigenous. Knowledge has been playing a significant role in the life of Gond, Korku and Bharia tribes living in the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve in spite of their increasing exposure to the outside world. This book documents the role of such indigenous knowledge of the aforesaid ethnic groups in the management of agriculture, forest and fishing, ...
This book makes a critical assessment of the Dalit Agenda or Bhopal Declaration, undertaken by the Government of Madhya Pradesh to empower scheduled castes and scheduled tribes population by way of distributing grazing land to them. How the agenda was translated into action? What were the challenges? How these challenges were mitigated? How this intervention affected the SC-ST population in terms of their socio-economic and psychological ...