S.N. Tripathy

39 books
The present work, although a pioneering effort is a modest study of problem of child labour in India with special reference to Orissa. The study intends to explore the socio-economic perspective of exploitation and abuse inflicted upon the child labourers manifested in Calcutta, Delhi, Bombay, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan and Orissa. Besides making a penetrative survey of the problems, the study presents a comprehensive view of legislative ...
Proceedings of a national seminar held at Pune during 6-7 January 2010.
Eradication of illiteracy has been one of the major national concerns of the Government of India since Independence. Education, employment and empowerment are the three vital factors that have been recognized as powerful tools in ensuring the upliftment of women. Women in rural situations are victims of serious social and economic exploitation. Oppressive social customs, misinterpretation of religious norms, poverty, illiteracy, traditionally ...
Papers presented at the national seminar on "The socially excluded people in India : towards an inclusive socio-economic policy", held at Pune during 20-21 February 2009.
Tribal Women in India contains fourteen selected contributions of eminent authors relating to various issues and dimensions of tribal women manifested in tribal dominated states of India, alongwith policy paradigms. Based on secondary as well as field data through survey, this work portrays the evaluation and analysis of tribal problems, policy paradigms to tackle the problem of backwardness in tribal regions. it is expected that the book will be immensely useful ...
The present study is a pioneering effort in contributing to some extent towards the understanding of the socio-economic problems of informal women labourers. The study examines the problems of construction women labour and women employed in domestic services in a backward state like Orissa, in the national framework. Both primary and secondary sources of data have been accumulated and used for analysis of factual data so as to make the study more interesting and ...
The girl child is perceived as a burden to be passed on to another family. Her contribution in the household economy is unacknowledged. The adverse attitude towards the girl child signals the catastrophy of serious demographic imbalance and degeneration of socio-economic conditions. Unfortunately, the rejection of the unwanted girl begins even before her birth. Prenatal sex determination tests followed by quick abortions eliminate thousand of female foetuses ...
It is a matter of deep concern that the fruits of development could not be percolated to the tribal and poverty stricken people, despite our planned efforts. In the name of development in all irrigation projects, hydro-electricity projects, industrial and mineral belts, the local inhabitants have been victimized. The interests of the uprooted tribals and weaker sections have been relegated to the background because of defective rehabilitation and compensation. ...
Glimpses on Tribal Development contains twelve selected contributions of eminent authors relating to various issues and problems of tribals alongwith policy options. The role of financial institutions, cooperatives in mitigating the tribal economic problems, the impact of development plans, land reforms, poverty amelioration schemes analysis on primitive tribals etc. have been discussed at length. Based on secondary as well as field data through survey, this work ...
This book focuses on the state-of-the-art aspects of fallopian tubes including reviews of normal, abnormal, physiologic, biochemical and molecular aspects of the organ. It explains the basic mechanism of inflammatory cell activities, to molecular biology to pathophysiology of different diseases affecting the organ, the therapeutic modalities adopted from time to time as science progresses, from ways of preventing the diseases affecting the organ and the optimum ...
The present publication contains twenty research write ups contributed by eminent social scientists, anthropologists, sociologists and researchers. In these papers topics ranging from problems of tribal women education, exploitation, migration and empowerment etc. to their integration in the mainstream have been focused at length. Based on both secondary and primary sources of data collected from field studies, this work portrays the evaluation and analysis of ...
This book covers the whole field of modern food, including recent developments in the procedures used to assay and control microbiological quality in food. It explains the three main themes of the interaction of micro-organisms with food spoilage, foodborne illness and food fermentation and gives balanced attention to both the positive and negative aspect which result. It also discusses the factors affecting the presence of micro-organisms in food, as well as ...
The present work contains important research write-ups contributed by eminent researchers relating to the problem of girl child in our country. In these papers topics ranging from problems of girl child, girl prostitution, decline in sex ratio, human resource development, disparity in education and health of girl child, child labour, to their denial of human rights have been analysed at length. Based on both secondary and primary sources of data collected from ...
Based on Primary and Secondary sources of data this work presents the factual data on the living conditions of agricultural labour in Indian states particularly Orissa. It is hoped that the work will immensely benefit the planners, policy makers, researchers economists and labour administrators in formulating policy paradigons for the agricultural laboures in India.
The development of our country is intrinsically linked to the social, economic and political empowerment of our people especially women. Ensuring gender equality by removing gender discrimination mainly among the marginalised, unprotected FHHs are the key to real empowerment. Developing countries primarily through empowerment of women have achieved remarkable progress in terms of literacy, health and economic well being of families. Therefore, there is need to ...
Migration is a complex and dynamic process. It is a process through which people move from one place to residence to another. There has been a significant change in employment, income and levels of living of the people due to such migration. The present work is a comprehensive study of tribal migrants of Kalahandi and Bolangir--the most backward, poverty stricken, drought ravaged districts of Orissa. The study in general and the regional analysis in particular, ...
The University Grants Commission, New Delhi, has recommended a syllabus for+3 students of Commerce known as ‘Business Economics’. The knowledge about the working of the economy, price system, market structure, factors of production, pricing of factors etc. are of immense value for student in their higher study. The students of BBA, MBA, bankers and others preparing for competitive examinations are also required to have fundamental knowledge about Business ...