S.P. Khullar

Showing all 9 books
Key to Learn Sub Sub and Cuspal Interlinks Theory is written with the sole Objective of enabling the readers to master the fundamental concepts of Cuspal Interlinks Theory as achieved by the participants in the Lesson presented in the Workshop conducted on MSN Groups KCIL.
Each Lesson is written in simple, lucid and easy to learn style and has a Practice Exercise which provides the reader with an opportunity to test his comprehension. Answers of each Exercise are ...
True Astrology - Basic and Traditional Concepts is not a conventional and obtuse book on Astrology. A person who accepts Astrology as a dynamic, wonderful, majestic, practical and humanistic science has written it. To him Astrology is, at bottom, a criticism of life. It is written in a simple and most scientific way. With a little dedication a reader can master the techniques of analysing a horoscope. Chapter on Navamsa and its Significance needs special ...
“Horary Astrology and Cuspal Interlinks” is a rare book on predictive Astrology based on the Sub-Sub and Cuspal Interlinks Theory. It is in tune with and Navamsa concept of Nadi Astrology. No body has yet made any attempt to handle the subject of Horary Astrology in such a simple, lucid and scientific way. Topics pertaining to each house have been dealt to enable the reader to master the scientific way of predictive techniques. The treatment suggested ...
section 1. Fossil ferns and fern allies -- section 2. Living ferns and fern allies -- section 3. Pharmacology and biotic interactions.
The book 'Ferns of Nainital' deals with account of taxonomy and ecology of ferns of Naini Tal ranging from 600 - 2611 m. It is based on the extensive collections made periodically in different localities of Naini Tal. The present work records 135 species, 6 varieties and 2 forma belonging to 49 genera and 25 families. The families and genera are arranged according to Mehra's system of classification. Nomenclature has been updated with the help of available ...
This is the first illustrated account of the west Himalayan ferns. It is the result of over 25 years of fern collection (and research) by the author from various parts of the west Himalaya. To aid easy identification, field keys to the various families, genera and species have been provided. About 325 fern species have been described and all of them illustrated by line diagrams. Relevant synonymy, chromosome numbers, notes about habitat, distribution data for the ...
This is the first illustrated account of the west Himalayan ferns. It is the result of over 25 years of fern collection (and research) by the author from various parts of the west Himalaya. To aid easy identification, field keys to the various families, genera and species have been provided. About 325 fern species have been described and all of them illustrated by line diagrams. Relevant synonymy, chromosome numbers, notes about habitat, distribution data for the ...
Volume II, of the book "An Illustrated Fern Flora of the West Himalaya" covers the fern families, Onocleaceae, Woodsiaceae, athyriaceae, Hypodematiaceae Thelypteridataceae, Peranemataceae, Dryopteridaceae, Bolbitidaceae Tectariaceae, Elaphoglossaceae, Nephrolepidaceae, Oleandraceae, Davalliaceae, Blechnaceae, Azollaceae and Salviniaceae. It contains an account of 172 fern species including 10 hybrids. Both volumes, thus contain an account of ...