S.P. Ruhela

31 books
This book presents a critical analysis of sociology of education, with special reference to India. Going deep into the social foundations of education, it explains the differences between educational sociology, sociology of education and new sociology of education.
Focusing on the sociology of educational goals in India, it discusses at length the sociological bases of curriculum for schools, sociology of educational planning, teacher-pupil relationship, and ...
This is the rarest of the rare book on spirituality. It is a thrilling account of how an earnest seeker Yogi M. K. Spencer realised God with the help of unique spiritual training imparted initially by a great master of the Spirit World Rishi Ram Ram and then by God Himself in the form of Shirdi Sai Baba. These experiences with serve as a guide to every one who desires to find God.The reader of this book will be pleasantly surprised to know that Shirdi Sai Baba as ...
Contributed articles on the life and teachings of Sri Sai Baba, 1836-1918, mystic saint of India.
This is an interesting research monograph in Sociology of Education. The researcher has done micro study of a rural youth high-logting the relationship between his rural traditional background in the caste hierarchy, efforts to achieve horizontal and vertical mobility and modernize himself in keeping with the demands of the urban modern living and the profession of school teaching. This perceptive micro research will serve as an invaluable specimen to young ...
Sri Shirdi Sai Baba (1838-1918) was the greatest Spiritual Master of the 19th and early 20th centuries. As God Incarnate he is venerated and worshipped by people of all comminutes throughout the world. He -was the unique champion of spiritual enlightenment, national integration and global awakening. He led the simple life of an humble village Fakir in Shirdi and helped countless people by his unique teachings and miracles. Although the divine name, fame and ...
This is a valuable collection of insightful contributions of eminent educationists and other scholars on the theme of "EHV" (Education in Human Values) which is the most talked about concern in education not only in India but in every nation of the contemporary world.
This interesting study in the Futurology of Education is a pioneering work. In the 1970’s when Alvin Toffler, the pioneering. Futurologist come out with his book "Future Shock’, people all over the world were for the first time exposed to futuristics. This study is the first research work, although a wodest one, on the future consciousness of B.Ed. teachers under training, done in the session. It will be deep interest to all those who are to understand ...
It is widely known that Mahatma Gandhi, Father of Indian Nation, gave us many invaluable ideas on the different aspects of education for national regeneration and progress. His scheme of basic education was enthusiastically implemented in India during the 1940s-1950s, but later on it was discarded by self-seeking and short-sighted educational planners. Now again, the value of his educational ideas is being very much realized by the nation as we enter the 21 ...
The mankind is now at the threshold of the 21 century. Perceptive persons throughout the world are now animatedly engaged in speculating about the future of the world, the futures of their societies, the futures of their institutions and organizations. Futurologists led by Alvin Toffler have been contributing so many ideas during the last three decades as to how future can be understood, what different kinds of future possibilities and hurdles are likely to be ...
Sociology of education is a newly emerging field of studies. As the society is becoming more and more complex day by day due to the trends of modernization, urbanization, secularization, globalization etc, new problems of education are coming into focus. It is in this context that new researches in sociology of education are called for. This compilation 'New Researches in Sociology of Education' contains the summaries of fourteen trend-setting new research ...
The book Philosophical Foundations of Value Education in India includes eleven important papers on the various concepts and aspects of value educations as they developed in course of over 5000 years of India's cultural history-right from the ancient Vedic period to the present time year 2000 when we are in the Sai age, the age when God's great incarnation Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is amidst us and is vigorously spreading his global programme of EHV (Education ...
This sociological survey of the Urdu Medium Elementary Schools in Delhi was conducted with the specific objectives of finding out their teachers 'perceptions of the society' expectations from them; problems faced by them; their perceptions of the roles of their reference groups, and their viewed on how a functional improvement can be brought about in these deprived schools for India's Largest Muslim Minority Community. The teachers were also motivated to present ...
Sociological foundations of education is an emerging field of education. How social and cultural factors affect and shape education as a subsystem of society is the main focus of this newly emerging field of study. In this book, a number of crucial aspects and problems of school education in India have been critically and comprehensively analysed lucidly in proper sociological perspectives. The book has been authored by India's pioneering sociologist who ...
The modern Indian educational thinkers are conscious of this problem. Each of these thinkers protests against this kind of dischotomy between values. Tagore wants to maintain the unity of values because of his pre-eminently aesthetic reason. Lut his aesthetic experience is in substance a kind of spiritual experience. Gandhi protests against industrialism on economic grounds, but again ethical and spiritual ideals form the bases of his economics. The whole of ...
This is an Encyclopaedia of Indian Sociology for the candidates opting Sociology subject in I.A.S., P.C.S. and other competitive examinations. An eminent senior sociologist of India who has taught sociology, done and guided many research and written many books on Sociology, culture, education and current problems of Indian society has written it. It presents a very comprehensive, detailed and up-to-date sociological treatment of all the aspects of the Indian ...