S R Bakshi

Subtotal: $34.20
136 books
This academic work has been weaved into three volumes, divided into various phases of Assam. Volume one contains fifteen chapters, appendices and the revolt of 1857, volume second deals with eight chapters having thrust upon the national upsurge and the third one has given emphasis on society and economy of Assam.
Volume Title:V. 1. Social ideology and legacy; V. 2. Role of eminent Muslims; V. 3. Role of women.
Rabindra Nath Tagore achieved international fame on account of his superb academic qualities of a poet. In his writings, speeches and correspondence with learned persons, he showed his remarkable scholarly worth while dealing with socio-economic, cultural, educational and political problems. He wrote about the common man and his theme were simple in language to be easily understood by one and all. The foundation of Santiniketan in the rural surroundings and its ...
The theme containing ten chapters along with a glossary and bibliography deal with the poetic talents and working of mind of the great poet, Sant Surdas who clearly identified his ideology with the problems and life style of common man. His truth and sincerity in his work as well as his clarity in thought had endeared him among the galaxy of poets of his age. Above all, his language and ideas were simple to be easily understood by one and all. He gave vent to his ...
In the long drawn political struggle for the attainment of Swaraj, D.P. Mishra played a dominant role along with Pandit Ravi Shankar Shukla, a dedicated Congress stalwart in Madhya Pradesh. As his cabinet colleague and, later on, as Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Mishra’s achievements were unique. He was a fine administrator and did much for the upliftment of his province. He was an author, an orator, a parliamentarian and an educationist. He was also the ...
Vinoba Bhave’s contribution in political and socio-economic struggle for the attainment of swaraj was a significant phenomenon in the annals of our sub-continent. A true Gandhian as he was he appeared to be a saint from his dress which indeed was very simple. His sincere identification with the causes of the rural people made him quite popular. His Bhoodan and Gramdan movements brought about significant and historic results. The book has deep bearing on swaraj, ...
Women are embracing the concept of empowerment because of their situations—their disempowerment and their unmet needs. As women have increasingly discovered their commonalities through improved means of communications and through international conferences such as the 1995 NGO Conference in Beijing, they have attempted to understand the global and local political, economic and cultural forces that shape these situations. While there are many factors that play a ...
The theme of this work has deep bearing on the political and philosophical ideology of a learned saint, Sri Aurobindo, who in his early years, was deeply interested in raising the banner of revolt against the colonial rule. Having deep connections with the revolutionary movement, he performed his innings in an appreciable way. But ultimately, he landed into Pondicherry where he founded the Ashram which gained international fame. This work deals with his life as a ...
The theme deals with the religious philosophy of Gautama Buddha who renounced the royal robes and power, became a monk and ultimately founded Buddhism which spread in several regions of India and the neighbouring countries. Buddha travelled widely and his philosophy greatly attracted people who became his ardent disciples. As a result several viharas were inaugurated where the main emphasis was on the life of piety and social service. The chapters thus deal with ...
Ramanuja’s role as a great religious teacher is unique in the annals of our sub-continent. His matha established at Srirangapatnam, was financed by several kings and affluent people. Soon he could attract thousands of his followers in the south as well as in the north of India. His ideology and philosophy were a challenge to the teachings of Adi Sankaracharya. The theme has been divided into nine chapters along with comprehensive appendices. They depict his ...
Saint Kabir is counted among the few well-known poets of his age. His poetry is simple, lucid in style and devoid of any kind of complexity. It is indeed for the common man and his welfare. His verses are studied with much interest by teachers and students. His writings are prescribed even at the university stage. The text contains nine chapters which include his simple way of living, the social condition of his age, his religious views which he lucidly depicted ...
Swami Dayananda played a most significant role in the foundation of the Arya Samaj during the nineteenth century. The theme contains seventeen chapters having deep linkage with the socio-religious philosophy of Swamiji who was eminently dedicated to the vedic culture. His teachings indeed greatly influenced the people, mostly of the Northern region and Lahore became the biggest centre of Arya Samaj. The chapters deal with his concept of nationalism, the ...