S R Bakshi

Subtotal: $372.60
136 books
This academic work has been weaved into three volumes, divided into various phases of Assam. Volume one contains fifteen chapters, appendices and the revolt of 1857, volume second deals with eight chapters having thrust upon the national upsurge and the third one has given emphasis on society and economy of Assam.
Volume Title:V. 1. Social ideology and legacy; V. 2. Role of eminent Muslims; V. 3. Role of women.
Ramakrishna Parmahamsa's career was unique in the socio-religious history of our sub-continent. His life passed through several experiments having deep bearing on his search for truth and knowledge. At last he succeeded in his mission which showed its worth at national and international level. Devotees—men as well as women—thronged to listen to him with highest degree of discipline. The theme contains fifteen chapters and two appendices which deal with the ...
Hazrat Nizam-ud-din Auliya and Hazrat Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti represented a unique generation of saints who are ever loved and respected by millions of their devotees in India and abroad. They were scholars, opposed slavery, showed much love and respect for women and children, propagated quest for reality and truth, realism as a school of thought, concern for ailing people and a truthful model of conduct. The text contains two parts. Whereas the former deals ...
Chaitanya’s appearance greatly enlightened all classes of people who were totally disillusioned at that time. The cult of Bhakti as depicted by Chaitanya became the perfect answer to the question of revival of Hinduism. He used to draw large crowds by his pleasing personality and everybody became moved and pleased by his divine grace—and attractive feature of Bhakti—dharma. The theme has been divided into ten chapters which have deep bearing on his early ...
Guru Gobind Singh was the last Guru of the Sikhs who always preached piety, simple life, dedication to noble causes, truth and fearlessness. The great sacrifice of Guru Teg Bahadur generated the spirit of sacrifice in his mind and heart. He led a disciplined life and opposed violence and injustice along with the cooperation and support of his dedicated workers. The founder of the ‘Khalsa’ brought about the sense of confidence and bravery among the Sikhs. The ...
First volume of this set deals with various phases of ancient Indian history having bearing on the socio-economic life of our society. The chapters cover the early society, vedic religion literature, architecture, Kurus, Panchalas, Kosalas, caste system, development of astronomy, social customs, foundation and spread of Buddhism and the Persian and Greek invasions on India. Second volume deals with the Mauryan Empire and its administration, Asoka and his rock ...
Dadu Dayal belonged to Rajasthan and gathered around himself a group of followers who were known as Dadu-panthi. He stated quite clearly, 'When realisation came to me, I was filled with joy and all fear departed from me. I found pure deliverance in the realm of the unapproachable.’ In fact he loved the merciful God. He has found that God is unchangeable, immortal, fearless, self-existent, almighty, pure, unseen, infinite and uncomprehensible. Therefore worship ...
Guru Nanak Dev's early career shows that he was born to do a 'great' work for the welfare of humanity. His was a dedicated and disciplined life who believed and preached piety, truthfulness, non-violence, non-possession and mutual support, his hymns and teachings throw much light on the working of his pure mind which always gives us a valuable lesson to do much work for the welfare of the people irrespective of the fact that they belong to a particular caste, ...