Showing all 4 books
In the entire book efforts has been made to explain the practical application of modern ICTs for transfer of agriculture technologies. I have focused on systematic presentation of various ICT tools with their applications by different organizations. Deep understanding of modern ICT tools and techniques would enable extension workers, scientists, teachers, students and researchers to work efficiently for wellbeing of the farming community. The book will prove ...
Agricultural mechanization is a sine qua non to remove drudgery, improve working comfort, enhance timeliness, reduce losses and increase production and productivity. Accordingly, use of better power viz., tractors and different types of agricultural machines in Indian agriculture has risen sharply on Indian farms to boost food and fibre production. But to safe guard the user’s interest, to ensure better quality and reliability of machines and ...
Reference and information services began in the late nineteenth century, largely in response to the growing prevalence of publicly funded libraries seeking to serve relatively inexperienced and unskilled readers and scholars. With increasing dependence on the library by readers and scholars, these services came to be function. Today, with a stronger instructional role, reference and information services are more proactive in providing a fully developed repertoire ...