68 books
In the realm of education ‘teacher’ possesses the key role. Hence the need of teacher-training. The teacher should take note of the interests, skills and knowledge of each learner and gently guide his explorations into different fields of knowledge. The teacher should learn to view knowledge as a unified field and not perpetuate its arbitrary segmentation. The teacher should develop empathy for the first and second generation learners. The teacher must find ...
Vocational education or training which is currently the real demand, is a nebulous term having differing concepts and meanings. These have arisen from traditional practices and the meaning of terms used and their implication. Basic differences for certain practices and relationships in vocational or occupational education are fundamental in nature and programmes. Vocational education is education/training of workers. It is the education for manual work. It is ...
Is to undergo higher education without any planning beneficial or fruitful? Can 'distance education' be exact alternate option for conventional higher education? These are really vital issues the society has seriously to ponder over. The present book is an attempt to answer these queries in the modern context. Distance education; Teaching and learning in higher education; Distance education: Theory and practice; Opportunities in higher ...
Women constitute half the world population, perform nearly two-third of its work hours, receive one-tenth of the world’s income and own less than one-hundredth of the world’s property. Under such pathetic scene to uplift the condition of women on par with men—only education can help. Besides the academic value, this will prove a dependable reference tool to policy planners and administrators.
Culture is an important and unique feature of any society as society is known for its distinct culture. In the present day context the notion of a common culture as the basis for social solidarity is being challenged by various groups asserting the right to educate their children according to their specific religious and cultural values. These changes in society have been variously described as a shift from industrial to post-industrial, modern to post-modern, ...
As a universal problem, one of the obvious signs of the general lack of understanding of the importance of primary schools is the misunderstanding of the role of teachers in them. The dominating difficulty in the purpose of primary schools is the fact that ‘knowing’ is rated more highly than ‘teaching’, despite the importance of the latter and its equally intimate connection with ...
The proposition that illiteracy must be broken down and that primary education has, in the circumstances of India, a predominant claim upon the public funds, represents accepted policy no longer open to discussion. For administrative and financial reasons of decisive weight the Government of India have refused to recognise the principle of compulsory education; but they desire the widest possible extension of primary education on a voluntary basis. Despite ...
Of late, the value of using literature to enrich studies in comparative education gained popularity. There may be four major contributions of literature to comparative education: information; awareness of national characteristics; empathy; and a fuller understanding of the process of education. Comparative studies also help in formulating successful policies and programmes by learning from the experiments of others. The present book highlights some vital issues ...
Education has undergone drastic changes in the present age. The striking development of secondary and higher education over the last few decades has been accompanied by a strong trend toward vocationalism. Education increasingly takes on the character of ‘training’; specialisation takes place earlier, is more thorough-going, and is increasingly of a kind directly related to the requirements of modern trades and professions. The almost total subordination of ...
In recent years, there has been a discernible trend in many parts of the world to restructure and deregulate state education. Appeal of the recent education reforms lies in their declared intention to encourage the growth of different types of schools, responsive to needs of particular communities and interest groups. Support for schools run on a variety of principles reflect a broader shift from the assumptions of modernity to those of most-modernity. Here in ...