Showing all 21 books
Big retailers are developing different strategies to cope with increasing competition in the merchandise sector and they invest in services innovation, opening their shops to different services which are often not linked to their main activity.
Women in India are becoming more and more conscious of their constitutional and statutory rights, even the rural and tribal women among them. This consciousness has awakened in them sense of urgency in experiencing equality and social justice. Without equality and social justice, there cannot be democracy, which is the exercise of the general will of the people. To improve any society, development of both male and female should be on equal footing. The ...
All kinds of political science require research, unless we are a genius spinning out original theoretical deductions from the armchair. The kind of research we need to do depends on the type of question and research project we are pursuing, as well as what kinds of relevant information, evidence, data, etc. are available for you to study.
The principles, practice and potential of this study to engage a wide range of real world problems commends the approach to all those concerned about the quality of present and future living conditions and environments on the earth.