Sanjay Sinha

Showing all 10 books
This book, containing sixteen papers including the introduction in two sections, attempts to examine the issues on health and development in North East India. It deals with the issues concerning interstate disparity of health performance in North East and comparison with India, barriers to health care access, reproductive health of women, energy intake, first birth intervals and implementation of ICDS. In the second section, the contributors discuss at length the ...
This book provides deep insight into the social life of Hindus in Northern India during the reign of the Mughals, covering the period from 1526 to 1707. Taking a close look at the social structure of Hindus, it examines their mode of living, with special focus on their food habits, dress, costumes, ornaments, decoration and amusements.
It further makes an in-depth study of Hindu religious beliefs, ways of worship, rites and rituals, customs, festivals, ...
This book containing sixteen papers, attempts to examine the status, empowerment and development of women in North East India. Taking a close at the issues, the contributors discuss at length the changing status of women, women health and education of rural and tea garden settings socio-economic and political empowerment development participation in SHG micro finance role of mass media on tribal women and their linkage with environment.
This book attempts to review and analyse the functioning of Telecom Management in regional perspective. Tracing the genesis and evolution of telecom industry, it makes an in-depth study of mobile sector, covering the developed, developing and underdeveloped markets. Further, the book takes a close look at the market drivers and constraints affecting the functioning of telecom management. The key issues concerning data services as well as applications, and telecom ...
Microfinance in India: A State of the Sector Report, 2007, is one in a series of annual reports on the microfinance sector in India. It is a comprehensive one-stop document that provides a holistic view of the sector, providing a detailed analysis of its status and future. It highlights recent developments under each of the two main models of microfinance in India -- the SHG and MFI models. Most significantly, it engages with issues of topical interest such as ...